Feb 13, 2007 21:58
you have a blast with them....
you both stick by each other in good times and bad ....
you do everything together....
and create great moments and memorys with them....
until one day they ditch you for their boyfriend and the old
No matter what great fun times you had with them and the times
where you both say that your gonna be around and still be
friends when your both older and having kids has VANISHED.
all because that best friend wants to put all their time and effort into something that may not last.
well good luck to you and you man i hope you both live a happy life with out your friends because one day just one day you might just wake the fuck up and realise that friends DO last for ever and the saying that people all around you were saying was true !!!!!
chicks before dicks mel thats all im saying..................
that you have hurt me and made me realise that you never saw me the way i saw you because right now you would see it from my point of view ..... and dont you ever say im not seeing it from yours because iv been their mel and iv lived it too and i hope one day you will see how much friends really do matter.