
May 05, 2007 02:12

There are some things I don;t understand. Today, the world takes center stage. We cry at loss, yet relish in a system so obviously failing that we've blamed it on human nature. It's just the way things go. Yet, somewhere deep down, we want to believe in figures that preach peace and love, all the while going along competing, leaving out the importance of life. Success is what we measure, as opposed to who we are, and what we believe. We are American, and not human. Someone dying on the streets of New York city is infinitely more important than someone dying on the streets of Mexico City, or New Delhi, or in Darfur. We've ignored the plight of other peoples. We have lowered them to our standards. We want to think we believe in love and peace, and therefore we raise figures up to reflect those beliefs. Yet, in the end, what we believe in is our "success" and nothing more.
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