Beyond the cut are most of my videos taken during my last days at Star Trek The Experience, the last days open to the public. At the end are perhaps the most interesting and special of my collection, those which represent interviews with certain of the alien cast members in character, asking for a parting message.
I have forgotten character names (what few I've learned), and I had insufficient practice with my new camera to have understood I needed a fill light to take good videos, so I have to suffer with the poor outcome I got. A fill light makes for a lot less spontaneous act anyway - unless it's built into the camera.
As I understand the process of hosting videos on LJ, seldom can a browser show you the video directly. Click the thumbnail to get a full view (which just shows another clapboard icon) then right click it and save-as the .MOV file, then an open source viewer or WMP should work well; I have trouble with Quicktime.
Wardrobe showcase pan shot
Pan across from Cochrane to Kirk wardrobe pieces in museum showcase, right to left. Audio captured partial conversation of unrelated party in background.
NOMAD - 3D Chess - Vulcan Wardrobe
Pan R2L from NOMAD (animated) across 3D chess set to two pieces Vulcan wardrobe, unrelated conversation in background.
ST IV et al. Wardrobe & props
Pan R2L across ST IV wardrobe and props, unrelated conversation in background. Note various props including Macintosh computer.
TNG and DS9 Wardrobe & Props
R2L walking pan shot showing wardrobe and props from TNG and DS9, as well as a feature film or two. Note the use of vertical space to hold several small hand props in between space-consuming wardrobe pieces.
Crew plexi walkby
Unsteady walk-by of the Star Trek crew plexi panels as you round the bend toward the entrance tunnel for the rides queue.
Queue info plexi
One of many panels filled with ST trivia facts lining the walls of the tunnel to the rides.
Borg plexi
Borg trivia facts plexi, one of many of the informational walls lining the tunnel to the rides. You can hear the soundtrack to a trivia video in the background.
Borg showcase
The Borg are one of the only animated displays in the tunnel to the rides, also very near the end of the queue hence the crowd.
Parting Interview - Klingon Female
(Character name not yet learned) gave me these parting words. Lighting conditions looked better in the viewfinder, honestly!
Ferengi Interview
A parting interview (business proposition) with a Ferengi. (Character name not yet learned.)
Data's Arm - closeup
Closeup of Data's Arm, focusing on the light animation sequence.
Exit Interview - Klingon Male
(Character name not yet learned.) Final interview with one of the male Klingon cast members, asking for some parting words. I switched off early, missing the added comments that they were "without honor."