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67. Harriet Martineau. "Household Education" (1848)
Фредерик Дуглас. "Я был рабом..." (1845)
Ралф Эмерсон. "Эссе" (1841)
70. Frances Trollope. "Domestic Manners of the Americans" (1832)
71. Noah Webster. "An American Dictionary of the English Language" (1828)
Томас Де Квинси. "Исповедь англичанина, употреблявшего опиум" (1821)
Чарлз Лэм, Мэри Лэм. "Сказки из Шекспира" (1807)
74. Mungo Park. "Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa" (1799)
Бенджамин Франклин. "Автобиография" (1793)
76. Mary Wollstonecraft. "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" (1792)
Джеймс Босуэлл. "Жизнь Сэмюэля Джонсона" (1791)
Эдмунд Берк. "Размышления о революции во Франции" (1790)
Олауда Эквиано. "Интересное повествование" (1789)
80. Gilbert White. "The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne" (1789)
Федералист. "Александр Гамильтон, Джеймс Мэдисон, Джон Джей" (1788)
82. Frances Burney. "The Diary of Fanny Burney" (1778)
Эдуард Гиббон. "История упадка и разрушения Великой Римской империи." (1776-1788)
Адам Смит. "Исследование о природе и причинах богатства народов" (1776)
Томас Пейн. "Здравый смысл" (1776)
86. Samuel Johnson. "A Dictionary of the English Language" (1755)
Дэвид Юм. "Трактат о человеческой природе" (1739)
Джонатан Свифт. "Скромное предложение" (1729)
89. Daniel Defoe. "A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain by Daniel Defoe" (1727)
Джон Локк. "Опыт о человеческом разумении" (1689)
91. Thomas Cranmer. "The Book of Common Prayer" (1662)
Сэмюэль Пипс. "Дневник Сэмюэла Пипса" (1660)
Томас Браун. "Hydriotaphia: погребение в урнах, или Рассуждение о погребальных урнах, недавно найденных в Норфолке" (1658)
Томас Гоббс. "Левиафан, или Материя, форма и власть государства церковного и гражданского" (1651)
Джон Мильтон. "Ареопагитика" (1644)
Джон Донн . "Обращения к Господу в час нужды и бедствий" (1624)
Уильяма Шекспир. "Первое фолио" (1623)
Роберт Бертон. "Анатомия Меланхолии" (1621)
99. Walter Raleigh. "The History of the World" (1614)
100. "King James Bible: The Authorised Version" (1611)
67. Isabella Beeton. "Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management" (1861)
67. JS Mill. "The Subjection of Women" (1869)
67. Dr Benjamin Spock. "The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care" (1946)
68. WFB Du Bois. "The Souls of Black Folk" (1903)
68. Richard Wright. "Black Boy" (1945)
68. Barack Obama. "Dreams from my Father" (1995)
69. Henry David Thoreau. "Walden" (1854)
69. Dale Carnegie. "How to Win Friends and Influence People" (1936)
69. Robert Macfarlane. "The Wild Places" (2007)
70. Alexis de Tocqueville. "Democracy in America" (1835)
70. Charles Dickens. "American Notes" (1842)
70. Robert Louis Stevenson. "The Amateur Emigrant" (1895)
71. Dr Samuel Johnson. "A Dictionary of the English Language" (1755)
71. HL Mencken. "The American Language" (1919)
71. Strunk and White. "The Elements of Style" (1959)
72. Thomas De Quincey. "On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts" (1827)
72. Edgar Allan Poe. "Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque" (1840)
72. Frances Wilson. "Guilty Thing: A Life of Thomas De Quincey" (2016)
73. Charles Lamb. "Essays of Elia" (1823)
73. Charles Lamb, Adam Phillips (ed). "Selected Prose" (1985)
73. Jane Smiley. "A Thousand Acres" (1991)
74. HM Stanley. "Through the Dark Continent" (1878)
74. Earnest Hemingway. "The Green Hills of Africa" (1935)
74. T Coraghessan Boyle. "Water Music" (1981)
75. Benjamin Franklin. "Poor Richard’s Almanack" (1732)
75. DH Lawrence. "Studies in Classic American Literature" (1923)
75. F Scott Fitzgerald. "The Great Gatsby" (1925)
76. Mary Wollstonecraft. "A Vindication of the Rights of Men" (1790)
76. JS Mill. "The Subjection of Women" (1869)
76. Virginia Woolf. "A Room of One’s Own" (1929)
77. W Jackson Bate. "Samuel Johnson" (1977)
77. Richard Holmes. "Dr Johnson and Mr Savage" (1993)
77. Adam Sisman. "Boswell’s Presumptuous Task" (2000)
78. Mary Wollstonecraft. "A Vindication of the Rights of Men" (1790)
78. Tom Paine. "Rights of Man" (1791)
78. Edmund Burke. "Letters on a Regicide Peace" (1796)
79. Mary Seacole. "Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands" (1857)
79. Peter Fryer. "Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain" (1984)
79. Henry Louis Gates Jr. "The Signifying Monkey" (1988)
80. Izaak Walton. "The Compleat Angler" (1653)
80. Charles Darwin. "The Voyage of the Beagle" (1839)
80. Richard Mabey. "The Cabaret of Plants" (2015)
81. Thomas Jefferson. "Autobiography" (1821)
81. Benjamin Franklin. "Autobiography" (1793)
81. Ulysses S Grant. "Personal Memoirs" (1885)
82. Lord Byron. "Letters and Journals (12 volumes)" (1830)
82. Francis Kilvert. "Diaries (three volumess)" (1938-1940)
82. Virginia Woolf. "A Writer’s Diary" (1953)
83. Edward Gibbon. "Memoirs of My Life and Writings" (1796)
83. Winston Churchill. "A History of the English-speaking People" (1956-58)
83. David Womerseley. "The Transformation of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (1988)
84. David Hume. "The History of England" (1754-61)
84. Henry Thomas Buckle. "History of Civilization in England" (1857)
84. Karl Marx. "Capital, Volume I " (1867)
85. Edmund Burke. "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790)
85. Thomas Paine. "Rights of Man" (1791)
85. Thomas Paine. "The Age of Reason" (1793)
86. James Boswell. "The Life of Samuel Johnson LL D" (1791)
86. Noah Webster. "An American Dictionary of the English Language" (1828)
86. James Murray (ed). "The Oxford English Dictionary" (1884)
87. Thomas Hobbes. "Leviathan" (1651)
87. John Locke. "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" (1689)
87. David Hume. "History of Great Britain" (1754)
88. Jonathan Swift. "A Tale of a Tub" (1704)
88. Daniel Defoe. "The Generous Projector or, A Friendly Proposal to Prevent Murder and Other Enormous Abuses, By Erecting an Hospital for Foundlings and Bastard Children" (1728)
88. George Orwell. "Animal Farm" (1945)
89. William Cobbett. "Rural Rides (Two Vols)," (1830)
89. Henry Mayhew. "London Labour and the London Poor" (1851)
89. George Orwell. "The Road to Wigan Pier" (1937)
90. Samuel Johnson. "A Dictionary of the English Language" (1755)
90. Maurice Cranston. "John Locke: A Biography" (1957)
90. John Yolton. "John Locke and the Way of Ideas" (1956)
91. John Donne. "Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions" (1624)
91. "The New English Bible" (1970)
91. "The Alternative Service Book" (1980)
92. John Evelyn. "Diary" (1818)
92. Virginia Woolf. "A Writer’s Diary" (1953)
92. Claire Tomalin. "Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self" (2002)
93. Robert Burton. "The Anatomy of Melancholy" (1621)
93. Francis Bacon. "Essays" (1625)
93. WG Sebald. "The Rings of Saturn" (1995)
94. John Locke. "Two Treatises of Government" (1690)
94. David Hume. "A Treatise of Human Nature" (1739)
94. Paul Auster. "Leviathan" (1992)
95. John Locke. "Letters on Toleration" (1689-1692)
95. John Stuart Mill. "On Liberty" (1859)
95. George Orwell. "Politics and the English Language" (1946)
96. Jeremy Taylor. "The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living" (1650)
96. Sir Thomas Browne. "Urn Burial" (1658)
96. Thomas Cranmer. "The Book of Common Prayer" (1662)
97. Stephen Greenblatt. "Will in the World" (2004)
97. James Shapiro. "Contested Will" (2010)
97. Emma Smith. "The Making of Shakespeare’s First Folio" (2015)
98. Laurence Sterne. "The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" (1759)
98. Holbrook Jackson. "Anatomy of Bibliomania" (1930)
98. WG Sebald. "The Rings of Saturn" (1995)
99. Edward Gibbon. "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (1776)
99. TB Macaulay. "The History of England From the Accession of James the Second" (1848)
99. EH Gombrich. "A Little History of the World" (1935)
100. Jeremy Taylor. "Holy Living and Holy Dying" (1651)
100. Thomas Cranmer. "The Book of Common Prayer" (1662)
100. "The New English Bible" (1970)