Скорее левый журнал "CounterPunch" опубликовал
список из более чем 100 лучших нон-фикшн книг. Почему переведена лишь малая доля?
Александрa Давид-Неэль. "Путешествие парижанки в Лхасу" (1927)
Д. Г. Лоуренс. "По следам этрусков" (1932)
Дж.М.Кейнс. "Общая теория занятости, процента и денег" (1936)
Карл Поланьи. "Великая трансформация" (1944)
Генри Миллер. "Аэрокондиционированный кошмар" (1945)
Эрик Робертсон Доддс. "Греки и иррациональное" (1951)
Роберт Ранке Грейвс. "Мифы Древней Греции" (1955)
Нортроп Фрай. "Аанатомия критики" (1957)
Рональд Д. Лэйнг. "Расколотое "Я"" (1960)
А.Б.Лорд. "Сказитель" (1960)
Эрнест Джонс. "Жизнь и творения Зигмунда Фрейда" (1961)
Томас Сас. "Миф душевной болезни" (1961)
Ханна Арендт. "Банальность зла. Эйхман в Иерусалиме" (1963)
Френсис Йейтс. "Искусство памяти" (1966)
Ким Филби. "Моя тайная война" (1968)
Бертран Рассел. "Автобиография" (1969)
Иван Иллич. "Освобождение от школ" (1971)
Хантер Томпсон. "Страх и отвращение в Лас-Вегасе" (1971)
Джон Бергер. "Искусство видеть" (1972)
Эдвард Саид. "Ориентализм. Западные концепции Востока" (1978)
21. Edward S. Morse. "Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings" (1886)
22. W.E.B. DuBois. " The Souls of Black Folk" (1903)
23. Lincoln Steffens. "Shame of the Cities" (1904)
24. Ida Tarbell. "The History of the Standard Oil Company" (1904)
25. "Encyclopedia Britannica" (1910)
26. Jane E. Harrison. "Themis: A Study in the Social Origins of Greek Religion" (1912)
27. John Moody. "The Masters of Capital: a Chronicle of Wall Street" (1921)
28. Jack Black. "You Can’t Win" (1926)
29. Henry Watson Fowler. "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage" (1926)
30. Roger Fry. "Cezanne: A Study of His Development" (1927)
31. H.L. Mencken. "Prejudices: A Selection" (1927)
32. William Empson. "Seven Types of Ambiguity" (1930)
33. Louis Adamic. "Dynamite: A Century of Class Violence in America, 1830-1930." (1931)
34. Lewis Mumford. "Technics and Civilization" (1934)
35. Ezra Pound. "ABC of Reading" (1934)
36. Robert Byron. "The Road to Oxiana" (1937)
37. Ben Reitman. "Sister of the Road: An Autobiography of Box Car Bertha" (1937)
38. C.L.R. James. "The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution" (1938)
39. Carey McWilliams. "Factories in the Fields: The Story of Migratory Farm Labor in California" (1939)
40. Edmund Wilson. "To the Finland Station: a Study in the Acting and Writing of History" (1940)
41. R.R. Palmer. "Twelve Who Ruled: The Year of Terror in the French Revolution" (1941)
42. M.F.K. Fisher. "How to Cook a Wolf" (1942)
43. Alice Hamilton. "Exploring the Dangerous Trades" (1943)
44. Meridel Le Sueur. "North Star Country" (1945)
45. Fitzroy Maclean. "Eastern Approaches" (1949)
46. Robert Motherwell. "The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology" (1951)
47. Alfred Kinsey, et al.. "The Kinsey Report on Human Sexual Behavior" (1953)
48. Oxford English Dictionary. "Second Edition" (1953)
49. Harold A. Innis. "The Fur Trade in Canada: An Introduction to Canadian Economic History" (1956)
50. Kenneth Anger. "Hollywood Babylon" (1959)
51. Norman O. Brown. "Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History" (1959)
52. Samuel B. Charters. "The Country Blues" (1959)
53. Martha Gellhorn. "The Face of War" (1959)
54. Norman Mailer. "Advertisements for Myself" (1959)
55. Elizabeth David. "French Provincial Cooking" (1960)
56. Paul Goodman. "Growing Up Absurd: the Problems of Youth in the Organized Society" (1960)
57. George Leonard Herter & Berte Herter. "Bull Cook: Authentic Recipes and Practices" (1960)
58. C. Wright Mills. "Listen, Yankee: the Revolution in Cuba" (1960)
59. Paul Oliver. "Blues Fell This Morning: Meaning in the Blues" (1960)
60. E. H. Carr. "What is History?" (1961)
61. Rachel Carson. "Silent Spring" (1962)
62. Leroi Jones. "Blues People: Negro Music in White America" (1963)
63. Jessica Mitford. "The American Way of Death" (1963)
64. E.P. Thompson. "The Making of the English Working Class" (1963)
65. Leo Marx. "The Machine in the Garden" (1964)
66. Alex Haley & Malcolm X. "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" (1965)
67. Alvin Josephy, Jr. "The Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest" (1965)
68. William Hinton. "Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village" (1966)
69. Claud Cockburn. "I, Claud" (1967)
70. Edward Abbey. "Desert Solitaire: a Season in the Wilderness" (1968)
71. Robert Sherrill. "The Gothic Politics of the Deep South" (1968)
72. Gordon Wasson. "Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality" (1968)
73. Vine DeLoria, Jr.. "Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto" (1969)
74. Jim Bouton. "Ball Four" (1970)
75. Shulamith Firestone. "The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution" (1970)
76. Reyner Banham. "Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies" (1971)
77. Keith Thomas. "Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England" (1971)
78. E.C.S. Handy & Elizabeth Handy. "Native Planters in Old Hawaii: Their Life, Lore and Environment" (1972)
79. Christopher Hill. "The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution" (1972)
80. Richard Erodes and John Fire Lame Deer. "Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions" (1972)
81. Alfred McCoy. "The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade" (1972)
82. Harry Braverman. "Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degredation of Work in the Twentieth Century" (1974)
83. Richard Holmes. "Shelley: the Pursuit" (1974)
84. Philip Agee. "Inside the Company: CIA Diary" (1975)
85. Dan Georgakas. "Detroit: I Do Mind Dying" (1975)
86. Anthony Heilbut. "The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times" (1975)
87. David Thomson. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" (1975)
88. James Baldwin. "The Devil Finds Work" (1976)
89. Angie Debo. "Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place" (1976)
90. Norman MacLean. "A River Runs Through It" (1976)
91. Geoffrey Wolff. " Black Sun: the Brief Transit and Violent Eclipse of Harry Crosby" (1976)
92. Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa & Murray Silverstein. " A Pattern Language: Towns, Building and Construction" (1977)
93. Allan Chase. " The Legacy of Malthus: the Social Costs of the New Scientific Racism" (1977)
94. Lawrence Stone. "Sex, Family and Marriage in England: 1500 to 1800" (1977)
95. Joseph Borkin. "The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben" (1978)
96. Jack Anderson. " Confessions of a Muckraker: The Inside story of Life in Washington During the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Years" (1979)
97. David Arora. "Mushrooms Demystified: A Guide to the Fleshy Fungi" (1979)
98. Richard Boyer & Herbert Morais. "Labor’s Untold Story" (1979)
99. Walter Karp. "The Politics of War" (1979)
100. Christopher Lasch. "The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations" (1979)
101. Stephen Jay Gould. "The Mismeasure of Man" (1981)
102. G.E.M. de Ste. Croix. "The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World" (1982)
103. Noam Chomsky. "The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians" (1983)
104. Andrew Cockburn. "The Threat: Inside the Soviet Military Machine" (1983)
105. Seymour Hersh. "Kissinger: The Price of Power" (1983)
106. Peter Matthiessen. "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" (1983)
107. Gabriel Kolko. "Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, the United States and the Modern Historical Experience" (1985)
108. Donald Worster. "Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity and the Growth of the American West" (1985)
109. John Dower. "War Without Mercy: Race & Power in the Pacific War" (1986)
110. Roger Tory Peterson. "A Field Guide to the Birds of North America" (1986)
111. David Brower. "For the Earth’s Sake" (1990)
112. Myles Horton. "The Long Haul: An Autobiography" (1990)
113. Doug Peacock. "Grizzly Years: In Search of the American Wilderness" (1990)
114. William Cronon. "Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West" (1991)
115. Peter Linebaugh. "The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century" (1991)
116. Carole Gallagher. "American Ground Zero: the Secret Nuclear War" (1993)
117. Frank Kofsky. "Harry Truman and the War Scare of 1948: A Sucessful Campaign to Deceive the Nation" (1993)
118. Scott McCloud. "Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art" (1993)
119. Nancy Scheper-Hughes. "Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil" (1993)
120. Pauline Kael. "For Keeps: 30 Years at the Movies" (1994)
121. Andrew Kopkind. "The Thirty Years’ War: Dispatches and Diversions of a Radical Journalist, 1965-1994" (1995)
122. Ken Saro-Wiwa. "A Month and a Day: a Detention Diary" (1995)
123. Helen Vendler. "The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets" (1997)
124. Dave Marsh. "Heart of Rock and Soul: The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made" (1999)
125. Douglas Valentine. "The Phoenix Program" (2000)
126. Gerald Hanley. "Warriors: Life and Death Among the Somalis" (2004)
127. David H. Price. "Threatening Anthropology: McCarthyism and the FBI’s Surveillance of Activist Anthropologists" (2004)
128. Charles Ramsey & Harold Sleeper. "Architectural Graphic Standards" (2008)
129. Marshall Bradley, Fern Bradley & Barbara Ellis. "The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening" (2009)
130. Robin D.G. Kelley. "Thelonious Monk: the Life and Times of an American Original" (2009)
131. Michelle Alexander. "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colored-Blindness" (2010)
132. Frank Bardacke. "Trampling Out the Vintage: Cesar Chavez and the Two Souls of the United Farmworkers Union" (2011)
133. Robin Blackburn. "The American Crucible: Slavery, Emancipation and Human Rights" (2011)
134. John Richardson. "A Life of Picasso" (2014)
135. Havelock Ellis. "Studies in the Psychology of Sex" (1897-1928)