Feb 16, 2005 23:06
Ive had alot on my mind lately here is a bit of whats going on in my strange little head.
Sometime I wonder how I would be a boy friend. As stupid as it sounds I think about alot. I mean its been so long since I have had a girlfriend. And i just wonder if I would be any good at it. You know i look at some people boy friends and there so stupid sometimes. I dont see how a guy could just treat a girl so horribly sometimes. I mean really there are just time where I see some treat their girlfriend like shit and i just think to myself how stupid is he I would treat her like a queen like she was the only girl on the face of the earth. And then there just stupid shit that they say or dont say. I have seen time where a girl is all depressed about how she looks and the guy says nothing. To me slience is agreement and i know that if they were to only dissagree it would make them feel so much happier. Ahh and then some of the shit i heard about v-day no offense to peoples boyfriends but I know if i would have had a valintine I would have so made every other guys gifts and plans look like shit. Or at least i think i would have...but we will never know for shure will we. All im doing is rambleing on and on about something I know nothing about. And something I will probably never have a chance to show. So this is only speculation.
Isnt it fun just to sit back sometimes and just think about what has and hasnt happened. I mean really how would life have been if you never would have met________(fill in the space with a person of the opposite sex)? Well that person is someone most of you have never met, but I know she had a major effect on how I am today. I mean if it wasnt for her i would have been the suposed "perp" some people say I am today alot sooner. In fact i would have never dressed in black. If it wasnt for the pain she gave to me would I have been more confident. If it wasnt for the for the sorrow that i felt for when she showed me the fraglie hurt scared and unconfidant person she was inside would i have been a conpasinate careing person? I dont know but some times even though i wish i would have never met her i have a feeling that she perpaed for the hart break and emotional pain I was inevidably going to feel. Its odd at times I curse the day i met her, but at time Im also for the lessons good and bad i learned.