It's cold...

May 01, 2005 17:42

For whatever reason, it's May 1st and there are flurries outside. WTF?!?! It's supposed to be warm! Not cooold! Okay, I'm done whining now.

So, I'm still waiting for word on the KPTH job. Master Control Operator. I hope that's a good thing. Then again, they did say that they wanted to wait until all apps came in before they made a final decision. *crosses fingers*

Erm...what else? We had our first softball practice on Friday. We had a few girls missing due to prior obligations but otherwise the whole team was there. It was okay as far as first practices go. We've got some work to do before our games come up but hey, they're only 14. So yeah.

I've been in the mall more this past week than I have in months. First time was...Monday I believe. My sister had decided she wanted to go to GNC for whatever reason, I have no clue why, and of course since I went with. We ended up stopping at this little stand and they had scorpions! It was very, very cool. My sister wouldn't think of having one in the house but it was kinda cute. We also stopped in this wig shop and tried on wigs. No, I'm not losing my hair neither is Trish or Beatrice, but hey! We discovered a couple of looks that would work for me and Bea. I didn't realize I'd look like...a whole lot younger with strawberry blonde hair. It was really odd. And Bea tried on this wig that seriously made her look like Halle Berry. She wanted to buy that thing right then and there but it was like...$150. So yeah, not happening. But they do have layaway and my sister was considering doing that for her. As for me...I doubt I'll get the one that looked good on me. I just don't think I like the idea.

Then we went out...Thursday, I think. Yeah...we were in search of something but I'll be damned if I can remember what. Hahaha. Go figure I'm getting senile already. Nah, not really. But yeah, more wandering and such.

And yesterday I took my niece Vicky out there with her friends Bricelyn and Amy. Those kids are so cool. I'm glad Vicky's got such good friends. Anyway, me, Trish and Bea ended up going back and into the mall, looking at books and such. Bea had wandered into Hot Topic and bought these nifty little colored bracelets for like, 3 bucks and I liked them a whole lot so I used what I had in my pocket to get myself some. It wasn't until I'd bought them that I realized the irony of the colors. Everyone knows my favorite color is blue. It's no secret. came with them. Yes. I laughed my butt off.

Then after that and after my sister got home from work, we went out to Ponca State Park to a picnic. My sister is a Social Work major and they were having an end of the year picnic and they were all bringing friends and family out there. was so cold! But we were at this little shelter and we had a fire going. I got to man the fire! Hahaha! Oh, I mean yes. The fire was warm. It was nice. We cooked hot dogs over the fire and had homemade tater salad and cobbler and stuff. We had a good time. Not to mention, I absolutely loved loved loved the drive there. I haven't been on a semi-long distance drive for a while. Even though it was just flat land in Nebraska it was pretty good.

When we got home last night we were all soooo cooold! We all curled under blankets on the furniture...which is my comfy leather stuff...and watched a movie. It was pretty funny. I'd never seen 'Shriek if you know what I did last friday the 13th'. For those who haven't seen it, it's kinda along the lines of 'Scary Movie' but a little cleaner. A little. Hahaha. But yeah, super funny. After that I went to bed early. Shocking, isn't it? But yeah, from 11:30 last night until 12:20 this afternoon I was in bed. Apparently I was tired. *snort*

You ever just been pissed off by hearing something about something that happened months ago, and you end up getting bashed? Yeah, me too. /cryptic

Alright, I think I'm done rambling now. I shall close. Later!
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