Rubber Duckies in my shosies!!

Dec 17, 2005 16:49

*lugs heavy body to computer chair...* Oof...I have to say that I've been eating loads since...uhh.. well since always...and I figured that since I haven't updated in so long...I'll just write what I ate these past few days!! WHEEEEEEEEEE! Everyone's been having crappy journal entries...nothing bright and silly and..well..just plain fun...well perhaps fun to me is not fun to you. But hey...your choice really...Let's see..Thursday! I volunteered at the hospital and you know what they had?? FREE FOOD! Now let me ask can I ever pass up the opportunity to NOT accept free food---yep! Never!! Duh...and oooo you shoulda seen what they had....they had roast beef....they had salmon...they had roasted potatoes...they had wild rice...they had stuffed chicken...they had shrimp cocktail and herbed buttered rolls!!! FREE SODA TOO!! WHEEEEEEEE! So I took one of each...and was eyeing the nurse's plate right next to me too...although I think she got the message because she was slowlyyyy inching away from me...dragging her plate along too! Then let's see... after that...oh I had two rolls...after that...I went to the dessert table and well slap-my-cow's-rear-stick-a-crowbar-up-my-nose-and-call-my-aunt-sally you should have seen the choice! It was an endless table filled with chocolate cake...snowman cookies...chocolate cheesecake...strawberry cheesecake...raspberry cheesecake...carrot cake...mixed cheesecake..and loads more! So I went and took a second plate...and labeled this one the "dessert plate"...I got three slices (no..not of each) or more...can't really was all a blur...and a cookie...and I at and ate and ate! Oh there was this wonderful apple cheesecake too! It was apple simmered and cooked and mixed in with caramel and then topped onto a plain cheesecake...mmmmm...*drools*...tell me you're NOT drooling...

Well then after wards...I went home...and my dad decided to go out and buy burritos...and wasn't like I was hungry...but you's not like I couldn't deny a what did Bean do? YEPPEE DEE DOODLES! I got a burrito! An Arizona Burrito to be exact...although I ate half of it...and by then I think I was filled to my tipsy top...I had double vision..and by that time it was about eightish at night? So I wrapped up the other burrito..and had green jello instead...I like jello... then yada yada yada...two hours pass...I walk around the homework...take a shower... then unwrap the other half of the burrito and eat that! It's a miracle how fast my tummy can make room for me to consume more!!! Neh? I think I had a pear afterwards too..don't remember....

Then today I went to a family dinner and then a Christmas party!! I had food at both...uhhh cupcakes... homemade cookies...uhhh...chocolate silk pie...uhh storebought!!! And of course--fruit! Oh and we're adding this to the original family dinner...which I shall not bore you with the menial details...and I think so far that's it...although I do want another pear..which I guess I should do... before I conk out on my bed....and that's it for update..hahahaha...I know I know...most people write about enlightenments...or other 'exciting' event that happened....but hey...I'll just put a milestone on lj entries...hah! Not like you guys are going to read this anyways... But when I do have a sudden enlightenment...I swear I'll update about it...but an enlightenment to me would probably mean a new way to consume food through shortening the distance from fork to mouth....yeah..that's about it really..Christmas is around the corner...and I'm dirt poor...I swear... even the bum on the corner of 101 has more money than me....~sigh~...this is what I get..isn't it? Oh well...TOODLES!
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