Homecoming pictures, anyone?

Oct 01, 2005 19:54

Yes...I know...they're late...we had our homecoming REAL early and poor old Bean was too busy to update...is anybody still interested?? I hope so...because it was an experience I shall never ever forget...So enjoy! OH...and there's loads of piccies...sorry if your comp. breaks down...

Aggie, Megan, and Cassie--funny funny people!

Aggie, Megan, Azine, and Cassie--~sigh~...photogenic as usual!

Me and my fat arms! Woot! the one with the most conservative clothing...

Funny faces! And Brent! And Nichole!! Awwww...

My most favoritest person (next to me...) in the world--REYA!!!!! She absolutely posituvely rocks my socks!

Reya and her date--Onions! (a.k.a Joe...but I don't like to call him that...from now on it shall be onions...)

On the dance floor...

Yu Hong and Amy! I can't belive they came! HAHAHA...I had loads of fun with them!

Brittany and Caitlin...~sigh~ everybody looks so pretty...

Andrew and Erica!

Swing Dancing! YOUPI! It was like the only song I knew....throughout the whole entire thing...

Jamie and Amy! HAHAHA...that rhymes!

Reya, Marjorie...and...I want to say--nope nevermind...crap...forgot her name...pooh

Me and Sam! So tiny Sam is!

Mayu and her date...hahahaha I'm two years older and she looks much more mature than me...XD

Nao-san and Me! oh...and Johnathan in the back...that dumbbutt....

Harrison was trying to keep his eyes open...AMY AND YUHONG! HAHAHAA Yu Hong was trying to make a funny face...Amy looks so adorable...And Harrison...has this whole Matrix get up...~sigh~ oi....

Azine and Brent having the time of their lives!

As is Nichole...

HAHAHA...Brent is a photohog...Almost every picture I had had him....I had to cut them out... but shhh don't tell him...

Angelica and her date!

Azine...and erm...I don't know...did I catch a private moment? 0.o

Group Shot!


Amanda and..umm...soft-haired guy...AHA! Dimitri! Amanda so pretty...awwww...

Sarah and Johnathan...hahahaha...Sarah has a major tan... that's what she gets for being in Swim and Dive..

GOT YOU JOE! MUAHAHAHA! This is sooooo a black mail shot...

Joe and Gabe acting the cool people they are...*cough* *cough*

Jamie and her date!

Bean was special and recieved a flower for her specialness from the people..awww... maybe because I'm mentally retarded that I recieved a rose...hmmm...

Brent and Me! And my special-ed rose...

Katy and me! WITH NO EYES! What are the odds of that? HAH!

Awwww...Megan and her date-Brent! Brent and her date--Megan!

Aggie grabbed Andrew for a slow dance...surprised me completely...

Aggie and ME!

I don't know what exactly was going on...

Cool people shot! Except for Joe...hahahaha..just kidding....I LOVE YOU REYA!

Umm...don't know who the girl on the right is....

Gang-stuh style! HAHAHAHA!

My favoritest piccie of all...~sigh~..God! I'm so good to be able to snap a piccie like this! If I could I would crop everyone around and have it focused on the main couple I wanted...It's very rare to see Reya in a full dress! =D

Yes siree..I learned many things that night:
1.) Beauty comes with many prices...
2.) Make-up is harder than it seems...
3.) Running away from friends who seem determined on putting make-up on you seems to be a hard thing to do...
4.) Curling Iron? Flattner/Straightner? 0.o...non-existent in my world...
5.) Bring your own shoes...I was banned from wearing tennis shoes to the dance...~sigh~...so I brought flat ones instead of choosing from Azine and Katy'e array of shoesies...which looked like weapons more than shoes...
6.) Paying fifteen bucks to the dance does not include a meal....
7.) When going to Sonics with 7 people's orders..don't go through drive-through with a bajillion cars behind you...people get angry when hungry...(like me...)
8.) Rico--Brent's Acura RSX--is the Coolest especially with the Latina music playing in the background!
9.) Learning how to booty dance is not that easy...it's a very icky thing to do...grottie...
10.)Getting booty danced upon is even ickier...*shivers* Never want to go through that again...

'Tis was my experience...how's everyone doing as of late?
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