i stole this from christina!!..tanx..lol

Nov 06, 2004 22:44

[[yOur bedrOom]]

[.wall cOlor.] yellow--redoing it next year
[.CaRpeT colOr.] umm..idn i don't look at my floor
[.dOor cOlor.] white..wit some pics of celebs..teehee
[.blanket cOlor.] i have 2 purple and 1 pink
[.sheet coLor.] pink
[.shelve colOr.] white
[.pOsters.] uhh..i have mostly pics of my friends..and a oth poster..dream street..and soem hott guys
[.computer.] its in my basement

[[yOur bathrOom]]  **in my room**

[.shOwer Or tub.] Shower
[.curtain color.] white
[.bathmat coloR.] green
[.tiles Or carpet.] tile
[.sink size.] uhh??..how do i awnser that??
[.mirrOr.] on the front of my cabnet??

[[lAst person]]

[.yOu touChed.] my mom
[.yOu talked tO.] hayley
[.yOu hugged.] katie
[.yOu instant messaged.] carly
[.yOu yeLled aT.] my sister
[.yOu kissed.] uhh..idn


[.fOod.] anything italian
[.drInk.] coke
[.coLor.] purple and red
[.cD.] any now cd..i LOVE mixes
[.shOes.] my converse
[.canDy.] hmm...probly peanut m&ms or lollipops
[.animAls.] dogs
[.tV sHow.] gilmore grls..one tree hill..joey..and anything on mtv
[.moviE.] 2many 2 name
[.bOok.] either r u there god its me margret or girlfriends
[.dAnce.] umm...??
[.sOng.] thats a good question..hmm...
[.vegEtable.] actually i like a lot of veggies
[.cArtoon.] hmm...

[[aRe yOu]]

[.undeRstanding.] yupp
[.opeN-minDed.] sometimes
[.arroGant.] no
[.insEcure.] yes                                                                             [.inteResting.] not really
[.raNdom.] most of the time
[.hungrY.] if i haven't eaten
[.frienDly.] yupp
[.smarT.] kinda
[.moOdy.] yes!!
[.chiLdish.] when i am wit little kids
[.indePendent.] yupp..i can't wait 2 b an adult and on my own
[.haRd worKing.] yup :-D
[.OrgaNized.] not really..but i did orgabized carly's desk..lol
[.heaLthy.] i guess
[.emotIonally staBle ]
[.sHy.] sometimes
[.diffIcult.] in ways
[.attrActive.] i dunnno..
[.borEd eaSy.] Yeah.
[.meSsy.] yes!!
[.thiRsty.] Yes
[.respOnsible.] yupp
[oBsessed.] uhh..with wat??
[anGry.] rite now??..kinda
[.sAd.] kinda
[.hapPy.] kinda
[.hypEr.] i was b4 
[.truSting.] Yea..i guess..
[.talkAtive.] omg yes!!!

[[wHo dO yOu waNt tO]]

[.kIll.] no1..every1 desirves 2 live
[.sLap.] hmm..hayley nos that 1..lol 
[lOok liKe.] gina said i look like 1 of her friends..but i never met her
[.tAlk tO onLine.] marc
[.tAlk tO oFfline.] marc

[.iN thE mornIng yOu're.] at school or on the weekends online
[.aLl i nEed iS.] LOVE
[.i'M afraiD oF.] scary movies..like the grudge..lol hayley and jesse
[.i dreAm abOut.] my future
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