
May 06, 2007 12:30

My Aunt is going to Ireland for a week in June, and we all know how addicted she is to HP Fics she is~! SOOO I decieded to try to put together a binder of different fics so she can get her fix while she's away! So here is my request!

Do you have a favorite fic? If so please share it with me! e-mail me the link or copy and paste the whole darn thing!! her most favorite couple is Harry/Ginny.. canon and boring i know.. but i would like to be evil and throw Draco/Ron in there cuz that is my favorite!

my e-mail is

OH! and if it has smut innit please let it be tasteful if there is any at all....i'd rather there wasn't tho. THANKYOU!

but if you want you can send me smutty ron/draco cuz i love it yay!

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