Nov 13, 2008 19:11

For today's Genetics lesson, we were given a problem statement that mentioned about an athlete in the 1950s who disguised 'himself' as a female. It wasn't until the 1960's that the Olympics sports official made it compulsory for gender testing. Physical inspections were initially used but later was quickly replaced by a microscopic examination of the cheek cell. In a nutshell, our tasked of the day was to determine if we could differentiate between a female's and a male cheek cells.

We all do know that women had 2 XX's chromosomes, while men had XY chromosomes. Because of the presence of 2 X chromosomes, women's cheek cells have Barr body or known as the sex chromatins. This Barr body is present inside the nucleus since one of the X chromosome becomes inactive during mitosis (parent cell separates into 2 identical sets of daugther cells) and becomes too condensed for further replication of the chromosome.

So, Barr body is only visible in women's cheek cell and it can be seen near the nucleus membrane. The first picture is JW's cheek cell whilst the second picture is Sab's cheek cell.

Can you see the difference between the two cheek cells? Look at the where the pointer points. If your eyes aren't failing you, you can see a darker shade of blue and that's a Barr body.

Anyway, today's lab session was one of the few interesting ones hence, this science entry. And to add on to the fact that the class is over hyperactive, it makes the lab session more fun.

Lunch with a few of them was embarassing because Zheng Kai's voice were extremely loud but had fun laughing at their antics...

That's Chris the super smart lad, Ian iron and Kasminah who's a part time minah (ah lian). LOL!

The hair that's similar to a poodle, his name is Falah. I think he's confused with his sexuality 'cause he 'likes' Zheng Kai and likes to 'gay' around but also one of the smartest in class. (If you happen to read my blog, no hard feelings...)

My team, but missing a member 'cause he was helping another team?

Kasminah calls us the 'bespectacled team'. 3 of them are also smart lads. The class is dominated by guys and most of the guys are REALLY smart but lazy at the same time they're gamers!

Ian iron redo-ing his experiment while Zheng Kai's concentrating to place the cover slip gently and Kasminah claims that he's helping him but I doubt so lah... HAHAHA!

More lab sessions for the upcoming weeks! Haha, fret not I'll not post up another few science entries but moreeee class pictures...


school, dear diary

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