Halloween is my favorite fest of all.
Why? Because monsters, pumpkins and candy. And autumn is the best season anyway. Hey, colorful leaves. Who wants green when you can get yellow, orange and red?
Since we usually don't have anyone actually doing Halloween (so no dressing up in cool costumes and getting drunk with friends) my bf’s and my ritual has come down to me carving pumpkins and us watching TV and eating candy. Last year I actually made it outside to watch horror movies and eat candy with friends. This year it will be just bf, a jack-o-lantern, the TV and me.
So back to the usual: My grandparents usually send me a pumpkin. An ugly yellow one and actually I am supposed to eat it but since it tastes like.. whatever you add preparing it. I've gotten to dump the insides. This year I got little 'Johnny Rotten' (yes I give them names.. they have faces!) who was rotten on the inside. The upside: I don't have to lie about eating him. But this Friday carving that wobbly and smelly thing made me realize I would not be able to keep him. I actually thought of dumping him without even finishing his face. Luckily bf volunteered in buying a new one, one that we were actually able to keep until today. While he was outside I finished 'Johnny' and realized he looked a little like two-faced "Two Face" I made last year. . Anyway this is ugly ‘Johnny’:
Just then my bf returned and on his arm was: 'Mr Perfect' the Walt Disney's dream of a pumpkin. Not yellow, but orange and not half rotten, but fresh and awesome. So he had to be special.
To make a long story short: After 1 1/2 hours (by 10:30 pm) he was finished…tadaa sitting on the kitchen bench, the happiest pumpkin ever. I mean look at him, he is entirely, fully, perfectly happy.
That is what he looks in the dark, together with 'Johnny Rotten':
And alone:
And while 'Johnny' went to the garbage afterwards, 'Mr. Perfect' lived in our fridge until today.
Now he will watch us eating candy and watching TV.
Happy Halloween!