Things I really want to write (but may never get around to)

Jan 22, 2011 23:39

1. Creeptacular Molly/Jim
2. Werewolf!John AU
3. Pern AU
4. Bisexual John fic
5. kidfic with John, Harry and Sherlock (plus teen!Mycroft)
6. Mycroft-is-a-daddy Sherlock-is-a-surprisingly-good-uncle John-is-slightly-broody
7. Mycroft/Anthea

1. The Goth Detectives prove Howard's innocence post that weird short story from the Mighty Book of Boosh
2. Pete Sweet is the driver from the Mint Royale video
3. The driver from the Mint Royale video is a savant

Original fiction
Um... I'll just put down misc. for now.

But yeah, my ability to come up with ideas far exceeds my ability to get shit down on paper.

In other news, I went to the cinema with my sister and saw the Green Hornet. I liked that Cameran Diaz didn't end up with either of the guys in it. I would have liked if she was actually in the film more, but you can't have it all I guess.

writing, rl

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