This is a post about tattoos.
I really, really want 1 or 2 tattoos. I oubviousally want them to be Of Montreal or Elephant 6 related.
I want these two birds, their heart and nest on my upper arm, right before my elbow
IT might look something like this
I also really, really want this bird, on my arm.
It might look something like this, but less shitty.
I would also like this on my calf, only I would it to be less... textured and blury and I would want the E6 logo more pronounced
I love the colors in this, but I just don't know where I would get it. I was thinking upper back, but I would never get to see it and I want my tattoos somewhere where I would always get to look at them
And I was thinking this for my other calf?
I don't know, someone should give me tattoo advice.