Jan 18, 2005 20:28
The Documentary deff kicks ass. awesome shit. Today was pretty fun. Listen to how crazy we are. We went on a fuckin walk on the tracks today. Drew needed to take Sheba for a walk so we all put like 5 layers of clothes on and walked the tracks. It sucked haha. Well soem of it was good but the rest sucked. When I got home I like ran inside and put the water on cold and my hand like burned under it. it hurt so much. I couldn't move it at all. It was seriously frozen. It feels kinda weird now. We went up to Drew's house and over the phone I made Matti listen to the crazy anime scream that Drew has on one of his movies. It's the best sound ever created by a Japanese man. We've listened to it over and over. Then we came to my house and chilled here which we haven't done in a pretty long time because my mom is crazy and asks a million questions. but she was alrite today and we had spaghetti n meatballs haha. Ya so this cd is fuckin good. Thats all I have to offer for today. O ya weekend was good. and my speech interview was today hahaha. interesting stuff. Peace Bean Haters!~