The obligatory Osama's dead post.

May 03, 2011 01:28

It's only been a day and I am already exhausted by the death of Osama bin Laden.

We should be celebratory!
No, it's morally bad to be celebratory!
We should have taken him alive!
No, that would have been even more of a circus!
We should have held the body!
No, it's good we were respectful of Muslim customs not to wait for burial!
But we should have been more respectful and not buried him at sea!
Obama has re-election totally sewn up now!
Obama just got lucky that this happened on his watch!
This is totally real and actually happened!
This is a stunt!
I want to see a long form birth, never mind, that's a different thing I'm totally exhausted by.

For whatever it's worth, here's where I am on the whole thing. While I do not feel celebratory, I am relieved that OBL is dead. If you press me on the issue, I will be forced to say I am happy he's dead, but I don't feel happy in a balloons and cake kind of way. It's more like how you might feel after you've been putting off a dental visit for too long, but then you go and after it's over you're like, "Ok, glad that's done. Now I don't have to think about it anymore." I don't feel like chanting U-S-A and I wasn't particularly inspired to wave a flag today more than I usually am. I don't think people who do/did those things, or partied in the street when they heard the news are evil, morally reprehensible people, but...maybe I think cheering a death is...a little tacky? Like, could we please be above that? But, then again, I am not going to get all up in arms over it.

If you force me to give an opinion about death vs. possibly having taken him alive...I have to say I think death was probably the better option. I can barely imagine the resulting circus of an OBL trial and while I do think it would have been something for him to have to face the people who lives he destroyed, let's all be honest and admit that the man was a hateful, hateful piece of garbage and no matter how many widows, orphans and victims he sat before, none of it was ever going to make him, "see the light" and feel bad about what he did.

As for those on Facebook who keep posting about how Pres. Obama did not kill OBL, he just got lucky enough to be in office when one of our military members found OBL and took him out...fuck you. Seriously. If you're ignorant enough to think that, I don't even...I can't help you. Really? You think Petty Office Joe was just ambling around Abbottabad, whistling dixie and he saw Osama bin Laden taking out the trash and, wham...took him out, possibly just with the force of his righteous American indignation and a good left hook?

Right, it was totally that and not at all the culmination of a very carefully orchestrated military operation. A carefully orchestrated military operation that President Obama had to authorize, as his role as commander in chief of our armed forces. Oh, yeah, and then there's the fact that before any of that happened President Obama met with his national security advisers 5 times to plan this thing out. And that President Obama nixed the first plan pitched by U.S. officials because he wanted to be able to provide definitive proof that OBL was there and limit civilian casualties. Yeah, you guys are right. It sounds like he really didn't do anything at all. You will excuse me if I think that most of you are effing hypocrites, right? Cause when I imagine OBL being killed on our previous president's watch, I can't help hearing the hosannas of praise you're all singing to Dubya.

Osama bin Laden is dead, ya'll. But it's politics as usual.

Let the hate comments commence!

wtf, historic events, politics

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