Productivity? No? Ok.

Dec 14, 2010 14:47

Right. So, in the 2 1/2 hours since I posted my list of things to do I have:

1) Eaten lunch.

There is no 2 because I have done nothing else. At least nothing else on the list. I did manage to watch 2 episodes of the Cosby Show, an episode of Law & Order: SVU and am now watching what I like to call The View 2, aka: The Talk. It's basically a rip off of the View with mildly famous women sitting around talking about stupid crap and handing out whatever DVD their pseudo-famous guest is currently hawking. I like it better than The View, anyway. Then again, I believe I would like a gum-scraping done by the worst dental student ever more than I like The View, so there you go.
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