Up to date piccies!
With Dad in Peak District With Mum in Peak District With Grandparents! Is that a smile? Prototype Indiekid 1 Prototype Indiekid 2 In pushchair Incredible... STILL growing an ounce a day (well over 12 ounces now) and somewhere around a centimetre a week in length... intriguingly still around 40th percentile for weight but 97th for length! And, even more amazingly, randomly Bean has started breastfeeding, at the age of 7.5 weeks- 3 weeks later still going strong, sooo much easier for us it is untrue!!! Chatty, gurgly, smiley, cooing, swear he stretched his arms up to me to be picked up this morning when I went to him in his cot...wow.
2nd wedding anniversary yesterday, can't believe that 2 years has really gone.
Will write more soon...