12th Match - [Voice]

Apr 29, 2009 17:32

[It starts out with silence. Seifer sighs softly, and makes the start of a word, but he stops himself and waits. After a good minute or so, he moves; the bed he was on creaks and his footsteps hit the ground.]

Air, how I've missed breathing you.

[He laughs dryly at that. He's quiet again, the only sounds being his footsteps.] Where's the door to ( Read more... )

brb avoidance tactics, can we pretend it didn't happen?, back from the dead, orz

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1/welcome back to life lul seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 22:41:39 UTC
2/no i don't stalk you seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 22:42:36 UTC
3/and no i'm not lying >:[ seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 22:43:22 UTC
It's true, people do come back--!


4/5 thought i'd never tell you a number hahahha huh :3 seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 22:44:53 UTC
So a lot of that crying was for nothing..


kay done <3 nobody better tell him that he cried seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 22:47:04 UTC
You idiot, do you have any idea what's been going on?!

(ooc: all those previous strikes? not there |3)


1/2 too late. beanie_pwns_u April 29 2009, 23:33:16 UTC
Not a freakin' clue. Except some crying. I didn't know you had it in ya, blondie.


2/2 beanie_pwns_u April 29 2009, 23:34:00 UTC
...sorry about that. I'm coming back... you didn't wreck the room while I was gone, right?


GDMIT PRY, I SEE WHAT YOU DID seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 23:37:18 UTC
Shut up, I didn't-- [ Well he can't outright deny that he ended up crying, and just made a sour noise. ]

Just hurry up and come back.


AHAHAAHA @ HAYNERD beanie_pwns_u April 29 2009, 23:38:21 UTC
I am, I am... sheesh, had to find an exit. [And there's the creaking of a door, then--]



STFU OR I WONT PULL THAT PUNCH seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 23:44:52 UTC
Yeah, they haven't left yet, but they haven't done anything either aside from pop out when you aren't expecting them to and writing on the walls..We have some 'fancy' new drawings on Gohl now too.

[ There were some footsteps from his end too, guess whose coming to meet you somewhere along the way. ]


AW SHADDAP. beanie_pwns_u April 29 2009, 23:45:58 UTC
Really now... [He grumbles, then heavy footsteps back towards Gohl.]

...and where are you going, toilet-boy?


nowae, make me o9 seasaltsnack April 29 2009, 23:50:50 UTC
Yeah, I even heard that one crawled out of someones toilet! Good thing nothing like that's happened in Gohl yet.

Where do you think--what is with you and this thing about connecting me to toilets?!


/gets fist ready beanie_pwns_u April 29 2009, 23:56:25 UTC

Heh... Just your hair, chicken wuss.

Oh... uh, any word from the rest of 'em, the ones who went with me? I think we got split up in the prison camp place.


/punches first pirate comment log go, yes? seasaltsnack April 30 2009, 00:04:49 UTC
Che, my hair doesn't come from getting a swirly in the toilet, since that's what you're meaning huh?

I've been hearing more people lately, and a lot of them had gone to that place too so..I think they're coming back.

[ The footsteps were continuing and Hayner was about to round the corner and go down the street the hospital was on. ]


GO GO COMMENT LOG! MACH LOG! beanie_pwns_u April 30 2009, 00:11:03 UTC
So you do see what your haircut looks like.

Oh, great.

[And Seifer looks up to spot Hayner rounding the corner. He doesn't go faster, because he's still mentally shaken and trying to make sure he can stay calm the moment the tears started from the girls back at Gohl.

Man, if Umi lectured his ear off...

He sighs and just continues walking.]


WOOHOO COMMENT LOG! seasaltsnack April 30 2009, 00:18:26 UTC
No, you've just remarked on it enough times and you said that's what it looks like it's from!

[ Spotting Seifer still a little further down the street, Hayner ended up stopping for a moment to just stare. I mean, he may have just been talking to him, but after hearing him die and now seeing him again..

Hayner frowned and started down the street at a walk, but it picked up into a jog to approach him faster. ]


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