5th Match [Accidental Video]

Mar 12, 2009 14:22

[The communicator falls and clicks on to a rather disturbing view; Seifer's kneeling on the ground, one arm wrapped around his midsection. His clothes and midsection are covered in a dark red liquid, which is most likely blood. He coughs for a second, breathing heavily and heaving, before becoming violently ill on the spot.

After a few seconds, he punches at the ground, shaking as he glances to collect his surroundings.]

God... where... where's the clinic?!

Hn... well, this is Lander... Come on... I can't go down here... Jeez.

That... that absolute jerk! Crap... come on, come on...

[He takes a few seconds to breathe, trying to calm down, even though his shaking becomes more apparent. Looking back at the mess, his face pales completely and the communicator cuts off before he throws up again.]

[[ooc: I'll answer tags after work!]]

accidental post, who brings a knife to a fistfight?, ouchies, where is the clinic?!, puking sucks, needs medical assistance

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