wandering in the cold looking for homeless? is this normal?

Nov 16, 2007 00:02

This evening we wandered downtown in search of homeless people to whom we could give warm clothing for the (bitter) Chicago winter. No luck, unfortunately, but I got to meet a lovely girl named Daniella who reminds me of a friend of mine from grade school. She lives downstairs, so that's another person (of very few) I know from my building.

Shile came with me this morning to the gym--I think I'll start rearranging my schedule so that she can go, too. Some of us need peer pressure to remember to go, I suppose. It was nice because I felt less goofy trying some new things.

I also made 7 layer bars (graham crackers, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, coconut, pecans, plus some margarine and condensed milk) which turned out pretty well. It hadn't solidified as of 9:30, so hopefully by tomorrow it'll be more bar-like.

Another Friday tomorrow, another exam to give. This one'll be easier. Then we have a CV workshop and a return to Chinatown.

Thanksgiving's a week from today. Barnaby'll be in Akron, too, so I can't wait. **big cheeky grin**
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