i luv u but i hate which brings to mind howmuch i really luv u !

Nov 26, 2004 21:33

!thurs THANKSGINING! i didnt eat alotthough wats my feakin problem! oh well it was fun had it at my house and uhhh it broke my heart to see my sister , i havent seen her in a month , she was at my house and then i had to leave and go to another house so wen i left uggghh it was soo hard i was crying in the car,.... no matter how much we fight no matter how much we get on eachothers nerves and in eachothers way !I LUV U CARLA MARIE LUNA!<3 you are my sister and i luv u i hate living without u i realise that now, i dont wanna let u go yet but i guess i have too, uggghhh im crying, god i never realized how MUCH i luv my beautiful sister , god iluv that girl i hate not waking up to u everyday and laughing with u , and i hate just not being in ur presence everyday , I cant even explain the happines and sense of comfort i felt when i saw ur beautiful face again! i know i know we fught but we have had waay more good days then bad i YOU are my fav sis believe it or not we are exactly alike i guess thats y we fight soo much were STUBBORN! but i love u with alll of my heart!i really do and it is sooooo hard for me to say good bye :( but i love you sooo much i cant even put it in wordssss how much i love u !i luv u sooo much sister ! i know u are always here for me as i am for u ! i luv u i cant convice u too move bak home but i can givve u all of my love and support and thats what i intend to do i luv u carla with all of my heart and i think u are the best sister in the worl u are the greatest sis/person in the worl ever and I LOVE U WITH ALL OF MY HEART! god theres sooo much more for mr too sayyy mut ifi said everything i love about u and how much i love u and how much i missu this post would be 4 EVER! andi think its long enough, so i gotta og now but i honestly love u carla marie luna and i miss u more than i can ever express in words, bye luv always ur lil sis cristin!i luv u soo much !<3333333333333333333 cris
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