stole from alyssa!

Apr 02, 2005 12:14

1. First best friend: priscilla / rhiannon

2. First love: henry gay i know

3. First real kiss: henry

4. First screen name: jjjclgrl01

5. First pet: a dog otra goldfish or my hamster

6. First car: lexus


1. Last cigarette: smokings stupid

2. Last good cry: sometime last week

3. Last food consumed: tri tip yuuuummm

4. Last crush: anthony

5. Last phone call: than damn asian janelle


1. Who is your best friend: dom, sam, stupid asian ,yvette,nikki, alicia

2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no

fashion shit:

1. Where are your favorite places to shop: forever whatever, american eagle, target roks my sox, doms house

2. Favorite item of clothes: blasers, skirts, me n doms green pants


1. Do you do drugs: HELL NO DRUGS ARE SUPER SUPER STUPI and so r the people who do them

2. What kind of shampoo do you use: biolage, paul mitchell, or kerastase

3. What are you most scared of: dogs, being killed, GETTING PREGNANT ! eek

4. What would you change about yourself: physical features


1. Colors: GREEN!

2. Foods: burritos, nething with cheese, pizza, japanese food !

3. Subject in school: ceramics

4. Animals: NICE lil fat dogs

5. Sports: baseball


Have you ever?

1. Given anyone a bath: yeaaa boyy , my baby cousins and step sister

2. Smoked: never done it

3. Made yourself throw-up: never done it

4. Skinny dipped: nope

5. Been in love: yes

Currency status:

1. Clothes: black shirt,naby blue pants , white vans

2. Music: emoish, gwen stefani, oldies but goodies, dasboard, r&b rap country everything i like it all

3. Make-up: cant live w/o it !

4. IMs: none

last person:

1. Kissed: dom

2. Hugged: dom and sam

3. IMed: john but he imed me

4. Last person who slept at your house: mm probably yvtte, or my sisters bf

5. Last persons house you slept at: prob doms


1. In the morning I am: tired

2. Love is: pain

3. I dream about: everything


1. 7 years ago: gay

2. 4 years ago: ohh had a lil bf

3. 3 years ago: peole were stupid

4. 1 hour ago: i cleaned my room

5. tomorrow: im going to church and afamily partaayyy

6. college:vidal sasoon beauty school ! : )
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