Feb 28, 2006 15:48
so...yesterday i spent 2.5 hours walking around my grandfathers house for the very last time...i took pictures and everything...but its just very sad...its good that we finally sold it...but that house has been in the family for like a few hundred years...like my greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandparents built it...theres sooo much history in that house...it feels weird not calling it a home anymore...now its just a house...well, to us anyways...my eyes are still puffy and red...i just wish i or someone else in the family could have bought it to keep it in the family longer...it was such a nice house...old...but comfortable...i'm going to miss it...while walking through i remembered every little event that happened there...in each room, where everything was...and everything that we talked about...i just wish we could spend one more christmas in that house or spend one more day with him...i miss him soooo much...