And now for a happy post, I promise

Oct 21, 2007 17:57

Seriously, holy crap, time for two posts in one day!! We got the dining room done and it looks SOOOO nice, nice and calm and pretty green. Love it.

Jonah is still my most favorite little man around, he's still a constant crack up and a sweetie pie to boot. Just finished evaluating him at the school last week to see if he will qualify for Early Childhood after he turns 3 in November. I'm about 99% sure he won't qualify for school services because kids have to be functioning at 3% or lower, which is just ridiculous. But it's a good thing, obviously even though I want him in the EC program I don't really want my kid functioning below 3%!!
I finally moved Jonah into a Big Boy Bed several weeks back. We went and picked Cars sheets for the new bed, made a big production of the whole deal. It still didn't go very well for a couple weeks. He'd stay up talking and since Elise had to be up for school early in the morning I'd end up moving him into my bed. Just within the last week he's been sleeping in his bed. It's funny, he never just calls it his bed, it's his "Big Boy Bed".

Elise is doing very well with kindergarten, she's not nearly as worn out as I had expected her to be. I think that's in part because of using the power chair for long distances in the school. We had a little incident that I had to call her teacher about a couple weeks ago that I admit I found entertaining. She was sitting on the couch eating a granola bar for a bedtime snack and she told me she couldn't do it herself. BS! I had been sending foods in her lunch to school that I know she can help herself with, just so she's doing some on her own and some lunch with help. She'd had several lunches with granola bars in them. I asked her if she ate them on her own at school and she said no. Grapes? No. Cookie? No. Cheetos? No. I said, "Elise, you are supposed to be eating some of these on your own. Why are you having them help you with those foods?" Her answer, God bless her little smarty pants heart? "If they don't know I can do it myself, I'm not going to tell them."  GAAAHH!! Funny, but a little too smart for her own good. I called the teacher the next day. She's been feeding herself more out of her lunch.

Elise has a boyfriend, she has announced she is going to marry him. For the last several weeks all she tells me she does at recess is chase Brody, catch him and hug him! The she puts him in Hugging Jail so she can hug him whenever she wants. And then she says, "I love you," and he says, "I love you more," and she says, "No I love you more."  And so on and so on. I went with Elise's class on their pumpkin patch field trip last week and got to meet Elise's beloved Brody. Have to say, I'm a little smitten with him too. He's such a total sweetheart!! Before we even left for the farm when they were standing up to break into groups Brody looked at her and said, "I think it's time for a hug!!" and hugged her legs because she was standing up and he was sitting down. Then at the farm he would walk and hold her hand- he walked her through the Scary Silo (a little maze they set up in the silo) and made sure the other kids that were running through didn't knock her over.  She was standing to put her head in one of the little cutouts so she was a scarecrow and he was standing behind her with his hand on her back to make sure she didn't lose her balance. *OH*SO*SWEET!* And of course there were plenty of hugs as well. Such cuteness.

I can't believe it's almost Halloween already. This is my favorite time of year. I love the smell of fall.
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