"Ignore reality, there's nothing you can do about it..."

Oct 15, 2008 08:16


  • Due to being sick all last week, I'm at least a bit behind in most of my classes.

  • Let's face it, my calc class honestly sort of left me in the dust the first WEEK. I might just be better off withdrawing and attempting it again next semester, in a different time slot (e.g. NOT 8 a.m.) and with an instructor who doesn't have an accent I'm unable to understand. Trouble is, that means I'm behind two classes in the program. Since I'm basically a semester ahead with prior credit, that's not TOO bad. Still...

    (I don't know...maybe I should talk to advising about the, "at least one undiagnosed sleep disorder and possibly more, eight a.m. classes will NOT work, even if I AM in a Bachelor's program," thing. Maybe they can help me?)

  • I didn't sleep at ALL last night. The same button that always falls out on my watches fell out on the most recent one again, and the fucking alarm went off every five minutes ALL night for some reason. I tried to fix it - couldn't. Tried to bury the damn thing - could still hear it. ARGH. I feel like I have a hang-over or something.

  • I still have to write my essay for Globalization which I didn't work on at all last week because I was inches from death. So I have, like...a day to do it in. No extensions, because today is the last class. Grr.

    I'm tempted to say, "fuck it," and suck up the 15% loss in my grade. But I've already made those sorts of sacrifices in math (assuming I don't withdraw), and probably BOMBED a 10% quiz in geography two weeks ago, and I'd really prefer not to totally destroy my GPA this semester.

    Plus I REALLY want to do a good job shredding Samuel P. Huntington's "clash of civilizations," theory, oh Mr. "Those Black Folk Askin' For Special Rights Causes Racism."

    (And second-hand opinions don't make you look any smarter, the song I'm currently listening to sez. If only Huntington could hear it right now.)


  • I just got my period today.



Make it stop. I want to get off.

people suck, vents, school, daily grind

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