Nobody in this school knows what to do with the order to be quiet

Sep 29, 2008 10:09

WHY is it that whenever I'm in the computer lab, I end up at a computer next to someone who is a very loud mouth breather? Or someone who smacks their lips constantly? I could understand this happening once in a while, but this seriously happens to me every damn day.

Today, for example, I entered the free lab to work on my geography independent study course with the online tutorial help at hand. And shortly after I first booted up a computer, I discovered that the guy sitting beside me had this habit of sighing loudly and frequently.

But he left after less than an hour. ...Only to be replaced by this girl who's, you guessed it, loudly breathing through her mouth.


Ugh. I pulled an all-nighter to work on a math project that was due today. (I finally gave up on the last question because my sister's graphing calculator was unable to calculate it. "Some stupidly large number," was my answer. So it's probably wrong, but oh well. I think MOST of it is right.)

And now I have classes today until five, plus my debate group meets at three.

But I'm head-bobbing right now. I hope I get a third wind later today (third because I'm sure I've used up my second wind).

God, I want to go back to bed.

vents, school, daily grind

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