Jesus Christ, not again

Sep 04, 2008 23:10

So my mom is catsitting this week for my aunt while she's in California, right? (Why my aunt is in California is a big long story to do with the fact that my OTHER aunt on my mother's side and her husband are moving there to help his MS. I might post about that eventually.)

And my sister left today around 2ish to go to her class at 4 p.m. I know she hasn't been home since, given that I've been here the whole time.

(It was looking more and more like I'd miss my second instructor; and eventually I decided that going to school for a locker and a campus card was pointless, since I have three free hours between classes tomorrow, so I did some cleaning and laundry today instead.)

She called around 8:30, but I was napping and missed the call. Now it's eleven, and she's still not home. She didn't leave a message on the phone (or if she meant to, it wasn't saved - our handset died completely when I tried to call her at 9:30, so who knows), and when I call her, I just get her voicemail.

WTF kid, where are you?! IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT.

Arrgh, I HAVE to go to bed soon, or I'll have a repeat of today. She had just BETTER get home within the next hour.

I'm getting really tired of my sister waltzing in at all wee hours.

Edit: Okay, okay, she just got home. 11:30, sheesh.

family, vents

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