Between being called back in to work before I'd slept and needing to be up yesterday to go to a barbeque my dad and his girlfriend Jennifer invited me to at their condo (mmm, Cajun steak!), I didn't get a lot of sleep until, oh, TODAY.
But! Now I have slept. Finally. So why am I still draggy and tired? Oh well. I'll probably start to really wake up around midnight. *eyeroll*
And I have a Dalek keychain that
siegeengine sent me! (Thank you, Frank! I love!) Weirdly, I couldn't find a good picture of it online, but
here's a very fuzzy picture of it. [Whoops, link!fail fixed.]
I showed it to my mom the other day after I'd managed to unwrap it from the 60lbs of wrapping
siegeengine always superglues stuff into (possibly the Dalek might have escaped to terrorize the universe otherwise, though, and YAYZ BUBBLEWRAP):
Me: I HAS A DALEK! *holds up*
Mom: *puzzled* U HAS A DALEK? Y U HAS DALEK?
Me: Frank sent it!
Mom: Ahhh...I wondered what the package was! Looks a bit fragile, doesn't it?
Me: Well, actually the eyestalk and whatnot are soft plastic, so they're pretty flexible. And look, it has wheels! *rolls across computer desk* And look, it came with its own display case! *holds up also*
Mom: Well, of COURSE it does. It's Who!
...Well, I guess she has a point there. (And yes, in case you were wondering, my mom and I DO speak to each other in lolcat.)
I had it in my pocket when I went to Dad and Jennifer's, so part of our dinner-time conversation ended up revolving around Doctor Who. They each examined the little Dalek, with me explaining ("...the whisk is actually a gun...the toilet plunger is kind of like their hand..."). Especially after the bit about the toilet plunger, Dad seemed a little dubious about the further explanation that Daleks are big-time baddies in the Whoniverse. ("Well, it's scary if you're six.")
But we ended up discussing the similarities between Classic Who fen and New Who fen, and Classic/New fen of Battlestar Galactica and the similar arguments/conversations these fen tend to have. Because Dad is fan of the classic BSG series while Jennifer favours the new version, and I just couldn't help but point out how familiar their potshots sounded. ("The old version wasn't one of the best shows on television!"/"The new version ruins the characters!")
In other totally random news (well okay, it's not in ANY way news),
Lawrence Miles is the biggest wanker EVAR. Grudgewank highlights this time include:
-Suggesting his, "The Book of the World," script/screenplay/whateveryoucallit is better than Moffat's, "Silence in the Library." (And now I REALLY want to read "Book of the World," just to see if it's any good.)
-Insulting Neil Gaiman(!).
-Blaming Moffat for his own alcoholism and the kerfuffle that lost him the respect of the entire Who production team.
THIS GUY IS SO FUCKING INSANE WHAT. (Although he CAN make the occasional excellent point, as well as be extremely funny - the bit, "We know [RTD's] always had a camp streak as wide as his buttocks, and there have been times during his Confidential interviews when he's looked as if he wants to launch into a chorus of 'That's Entertainment', so perhaps it's no surprise that he might now consider the presence of Kylie Minogue to be more important than the presence of a plot," nearly had me PEEING myself. Doesn't this just make it sadder?)
The LAST time I read one of his rants, he was claiming that Who started to go downhill when it started filming on celluloid in an attempt to look more slickly produced (i.e. "American," according to Miles). I mean, who SERIOUSLY thinks filming on tape is superior?
What a wanker.