Well, his name SOUNDS a bit British

Aug 07, 2007 10:09

For lack of anything more creative, I have the Google homepage. (It's called "iGoogle." Very cute.)

If you're not familiar with how the Google homepage works, it's one of those ones where you can add all sorts of widgets to it by selecting them from a directory-thing linked at the top of the page, and then arrange them by dragging the little boxes around the page.

The Google homepage also allows you to set up and name several different "tabs," which are just more pages of widgets you choose and arrange. I have four such tabs - "Home," "Interesting Stuff," "Fun Stuff," and "Very Random." (Yeah, I know, creative titles. I couldn't think of anything when I made those tabs.)

"Home" is mainly Canadian/U.S./world news, Word of the Day and Quotes of the Day. "Interesting Stuff" is U.K. news, online conversion thingies, to-do lists, the NASA picture of the day, and a few other things I can't remember. "Fun Stuff" is basically all games. And I don't even remember what "Very Random" is - hangman and my horoscope and Optical Illusion of the day, I think. Oh, and a spelling game from the Free Dictionary.

I mostly stick to reading "Home." And I swear to god, there are many freaky days when you could swear some of these little widget-things are synchronizing themselves.

Today in Canadian Online Health News:

Britain could face cirrhosis epidemic unless drinking habits change, doctors warn

And on Quotes of the Day:

Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.
-- WC Fields

The only thing that would make that better is if W.C. Fields was British.


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