Jul 29, 2007 23:47

Okay. There is a bug in my bedroom.


There is a BUG. In my BEDROOM.

I don't know what on earth it is, but I'm relatively sure it flies. Either that, or it hops along ceilings. So I'm gonna say flies, with next-to-invisible wings because I haven't seen any. Just a brownish cylinder, perpendicular to the ceiling, bouncing and buzzing along.

And oh, god. I cannot sleep in a room with a bug in it. I can't do anything in a room where I might get a bug on me.

I mean, it FLIES, guys. And I have a LOFT BED. See the problem? It really seems to like my ceiling - it was buzzing along it all night (as near as I can tell), and was still there when I left for work this morning. Specifically, it was hanging OVER MY BED when I left this morning. *covers eyes and whimpers* I hope it really was flying, and not attached to the ceiling somehow in a way that could UN-attach, and let it fall into my bed.

I locked it in my room, which makes me shudder...but I'm fairly sure it can't get out. And at least that way, I know where it is. I won't be comfortable until I see it actually leave my room.

But what do I do? I can't stand to touch it, even if I could guarantee that I'd catch it/reach it. So what do I do?



It might be some kind of moth. So tonight, I'm going to try leaving my bedroom door open with the lights off, and turn lights on downstairs. Maybe it will follow the light and fly out? And I'll knit and watch for it.

The thing that freaks me out the most is that it's the same COLOR as these little caterpillar things I got a small infestation of once back in the old house. Every year, I spot one or two in my room.

So now I'm terrified that a grown-up version of those, and it FLIES, oh fuck. Do ALL caterpillar-things become moths of some sort, or just some? I mean, maybe they were actually centipede-things, and those aren't the same, right?

I thought I'd SEEN the grown versions, and they're just really big little worms with legs. Maybe I was wrong. And if I was, and THAT'S what this is, and it touches me, I will fucking die on the spot.

I'll probably end up sleeping on a couch tonight. I didn't sleep at all last night after I discovered that thing - I just stayed up and got ready for work, and then crashed for an hour or so in the morning before my mom got up and woke me. (Wondering, of course, why I was fully dressed and asleep on the couch with my backpack ready.)

I found it early in the morning, but I wasn't finished getting ready for work until seven. Mainly because each action required massive amounts of conscious thought to complete; and then I'd freeze in panic until I thought to do the next thing. Really freeze: I couldn't move faster than an inch a second.

I don't know if I can accurately convey this level of fright. I am not this afraid of anything else in the WORLD like I am of anything worm-like, and several types of bugs.

Please universe. Help me out. Give me this one.


o halp

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