*pops back into existence*

Jan 17, 2007 12:17

Okay, I realize I've been away from Livejournal from an exceedingly long time. I never meant to be; but then, I'm sure that if I sat down and CHOSE, for my own good, to take a several-week hiatus from posting and reading my friends list, I would never stick to it. But I've been feeling sort of...dysthymic, I guess, detached and run down and sad. I don't know if that's just subconscious worrying about my various health concerns, or lasting fallout from the burnout I went through last year. Or both! Meh.

I don't know if it really HELPED to be away from the computer so much. I've had a fair bit on my mind, but I haven't been writing it down because my home computer setup makes my wrist/arm pain flare badly. I considered just writing a little bit at a time in private entries, and posting them when they were complete, but events and shifts in your life always progress so fast that by the time I had an entry half-done, it was terribly out of date. Oh, well.

But now I'm back in school and finally have access to my laptop again (which was in for virus-related repairs), and I don't seem to have as much trouble with pain with my laptop. So I'll see if getting stuff off my chest in this format again helps or not.

I woke up this morning to the radio DJs discussing the weather in Nevada. Yup, the cold snap down there is even news up here! One of them - the guy on the station I set my alarm to, I don't even know his name after four years of wake-up chatter - commented that a friend of his is currently visiting Las Vegas, where the temperature is currently -1°C. And then, he added, the projected high for the day is 9°C.

"Nine," he said. "NINE. Can you believe it? My friend said she was walking down the street outside yesterday, and it was 'nice and brisk.' But that's just wrong. It's not supposed to be brisk in Nevada."

I found this weather site for the state of Nevada, which hasn't gone higher for the Las Vegas area than 3°C in the time I've been watching. WILD.

Also, check out this state map for weather warnings - Nevada actually doesn't have any, but sections of California have "winter weather advisory"s on 'em, and then there's "freeze warning"s.

(What in fresh hell is a "freeze warning"?! Is that a warning that the temperature is below zero? *amused*)

My mom was telling me yesterday about her American friends complaining about the weather where they are, and while she teased them a tad, she told me we shouldn't dismiss their cold concerns - their houses further south, she told me, are not built like ours are to withstand the cold. (And of course, I'm sure people in Nevada lack proper clothing for the weather they're experiencing.) All Canadian snickering aside, I feel for the poor cold people in the normally hot states.

Huddle for warmth, y'all, no weather lasts forever! *sends 'em all virtual hot chocolate and mittens*

...In the meantime, it's surprisingly warm up here, despite the fact that it's snowing - around minus five.


rsi, pain, random

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