Paris, Paris.
Being in a country where you don't speak thier language is like trying to have a conversation with an entire city underwater. I couldn't order a coffee, I couldn't ask for directions, and I never knew what momuments or famous things I was looking at. Though gorgeous and way fun when things were going according to plan, I'm not ready to repeat that expierience anytime soon.
The view from Andrew and Veronique's Apartment window. Pretty much the most charming view ever. They were absolutely wonderful to me!
The streets of gay Paris.
Looks french? It was way cozy.
The arch d' triumph or something or other!
And then, the first view of that tower...
I took a little walking pilgramage to the Effiel Tower. I was supposed to do Paris with biz, but she ran into a million problems with flgihts and travel, so could only join me for a day. I still enjoyed myself as much as I could. I loved wlkaing through the nieghborhoods, watching paresians go about thier lives in front of the most famous momument in the world, peeking out inbetween the flats.
I'm there! I spent a little time sitting in the grass, marveling up at it and trying to fathom what I've done right in my life to deserve seeing something so amazing.
Here I am! Bonjour Paris!
The River.
Biz FINALLY made it! Our first stop was Notre Dame Cathedral. We had also hit the Lourve the night before to see the mona Lisa, but were so pooped we didn't take a single picture.
The Riiiiiver.
The candles inside the cathedral, brilliant.
And back to Notre Dame.
This is Botellon. We stand, we drink, we shmooze. Sometimes we get caught out in the rain.
The last trip with the crew was to Granada. Streets are dotted with bazzaars and teahouses. Colors of brigh blues and reds and greens overload onto the streets form the vendors. If you climb to the top of the city, you'll be blown away with a surreal view of the Sierra Nevada Mountians. When I start thinking the world can't possibly get any more beautiful, it does .
"There is no greater sadness than to be blind in Granada."
The crew, yo!
The unbelieveable view.
Holy Mackerel...
Eric found a kitty! tere were a million cats around the Palace. Oh yeah, the Palace. It's called the Alambra and it's atop one of the hills. It's an old muslim stomping ground.
Rae and I inside the Alambra. I am Queen.
The outside garden of the palace.
Rae and the Boston Boys and I went to a tea house one night. It had a great ambiance with inidan music and hookah smoke wafting in the air. everyhtign was lit by candlelight and the tea was out of this world.
After the teahouse Jwe met up with josh's friend and they knew of a free flamenco show we chcked out. It was o sevillanos, but it was fun.
Some of the marketplace.
I'm quitting school and bongo-ing on the streets until I retire. I could make a living easily, no pasa na! (no problem!)
Only a few weeks left. Can't. Handle. It. I don't know what i'm going to do, I've gotten so used to life here in Spain, my old life is almost fuzzy and incoherent. But I miss it too, so much, i'm torn between the now and then.
Muchos besos chiquitos.