kinda sorta copypaste

Apr 24, 2011 15:29

I'm just gonna quote a whole tumblr entry by ctcsherry (I think her LJ and DA usernames are the same) because I agree with all of it. Especially that bit about icons:


That awkward moment when you see your art pops up on your dash

I have said this many times in different places. I’m ok with my fanarts being reposted and reblogged as long as source is given. I’m not even picky about where - LJ, dA, pixiv, tumblr. Doesn’t matter.

Ok you got the image somewhere on the internet and don’t know source. I see pieces I recognize on my dashboard and I message the OP directly and ask to please include source. It’s very easily done on tumblr I even included the post link to save you the trouble of finding your own 49035890384 posts. (Thank to those who replied me and have done so, you guys have my complete appreciation).

Nothing happens. Ok there’s not much I can do about people who ignore my little request, but I do have the freedom to call these people out.

How many times do you see notes asking “who drew this I want to know”? Artists spent minutes to hours to days drawing a picture, and bloggers have the enjoyment of blogging these pictures (for the purpose of having fun, socializing, sharing etc) for a fraction of that time spent. Bloggers, don’t you think we deserve at least a source? Should we all just start slapping ugly watermarks on every single picture instead?

It only bugs me even more that people are actively crediting those who make icons, but not the artists the icons are cropped from. Not to mention those reposted arts that gets freaky colors and editing or horribly squished and blurred after re-uploading onto some image sharing webspace.

Even though it might become useless effort in the end, I’m going to continue sending different OPs sources of my own and artists I know of, when I see that the source of the picture is someone else.
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