SKJKDLSJHLAHJA WARPED POST! It was amazing! I got home late last night, after being awake for 18 hours (more than 10 of which I was standing) and I was/am completely exhausted but it was so worth it and SO AWESOME. This post is really long, if you actually read it all I'll be really impressed. I'm going to save the pictures for a post tomorrow, because I'm way too lazy to go through and resize them all now.
SO. We (being me and Amy, again) wanted to get to Warped at 9ish, since everything opened at 11 and bands started playing at 11:15. Unfortunately, Amy's mother's car's battery died overnight because the lights were on, and it wouldn't start at all. Not cool. Instead of waiting 40 minutes for BCAA, me and Amy ran a few blocks and caught a skytrain to a bus to take us to UBC. We amazingly didn't get on the wrong bus or anything, and got to UBC at around 9:30.
Unfortunately again, UBC is fucking huge. We wandered around for probably half an hour looking for Thunderbird Stadium, but it was impossible to find. You'd think there would be signs or a decent map or something, but no. Nothing. And we stopped to ask people where it was every few blocks, but no one knew. They were all like "Uhhh, I think that way?" which obviously didn't help that much. We finally found it and got in line around 10.
Once we actually got inside, we were looking around for the huge schedule thing that tells you when and where all the bands are playing. But it was also well-hidden. The entrance was on the upper level, and the schedule was way down on the lower level, and pretty much impossible to see from the lower level entrance because it was facing the wrong way. Lame.
We wrote down all the times and stages of the bands we wanted to see, and headed back up to the upper level. We actually spent most of the day on the upper level, which was nice because there were way less people there. See, the upper level had 3 medium-sized stages, and one tiny stage which a few merch tents and stuff. And then the lower level had the two huge stages and another medium one, and then a ton of merch tents. There weren't any really big bands we wanted to see, and since they were all playing the big stages we didn't need to be down on the lower level except for merch buying.
We caught Escape The Fate's last song, and then a couple Play Radio Play songs before our first actual set, Boys Like Girls. They were good, but nothing super memorable happened. I mean, the music was awesome and they played all their good songs, but they didn't do anything super fantastic. They were probably one of the only bands we saw that we didn't have barrier for, and these super annoying girls next to us, ugh. I wanted to punch them. Cute is What We Aim For was playing at the same time, but I'm glad we stayed for Boys Like Girls because I probably wouldn't have been able to stop laughing if we had ended up seeing CIWWAF, haha.
Next was The Matches! They were amazing! Probably my favourite band of the day, closely followed by Family Force 5. The whole band is so crazy, especially the lead singer, Shawn Harris. He looks a lot like Johnny Depp, less in person than in pictures though, idk. But his facial expressions are hilarious! I took so many pictures during their set, everytime I went to turn it off something amazing would happen and I'd have to take a picture, lol. I loved every single one of the songs they played, and the crowd was really tame (for pretty much all the bands we saw, actually) which was a nice change from the bone-crushing Fall Out Boy concert.
Then we went over to the tiny stage to see We Are The Fury. In line, they were one of the only bands who came out and tried to sell their CD (which Amy and I both bought) and were really surprised when we knew who they were. OMG, and their drummer, who only has 3 fingers, was there convincing people in line to like them, and he was so amazing! Anyways, the crowd was tiny, probably about 20 people and some just hanging out on the grass, but We Are The Fury was awesome. The lead singer was, idk, just completely awesome. I was actually surprised at how good they sounded live, being such a small band, but they were super.
Next we went to see All Time Low. They had a pretty big crowd, I think, despite being on at the same time as Paramore. Oh man, and before they started, Shaant from CIWWAF was at the side of the stage, Amy and I were dying. Anyways, they were really good live, but the amazing parts were in between the songs, when they told bad jokes and talked about STD's. Like, right before Break Out! Break Out!, one of them said it was a song about his herpes, obv. They also asked if anyone in the crowd had syphilis, and mentioned that Set Your Goals gave them all syphilis, which it awesome and probably true.
We went to get some food before the next band we wanted to see, but were surprised to discover neither of us were actually hungry. I planned to get a hot dog, but they only had jumbo dogs left, so I got one of those. After about two bites I was full and ended up throwing it away. I also went to get Amy sunscreen, because she's super pale and her face was burning by then (3:30ish, I think). Unfortunately, they were out of bottles so I got a lid with sunscreen on it to take back to Amy, haha.
Then we saw The Automatic. They were totally amazing. The keyboardist/singer was the most energetic person ever. He was jumping all over the stage, into the crowd, completely freaking out. It was so cool to watch. All of their songs are really crazy and jumpable, so I guess I should have expected it. The tiny keyboardist also had a bunch of awesome plastic intstruments, like a tamborine and one of those things you hit with a drumstick, idk. They're British, so I figured there wouldn't be that big of a crowd, but I think there was a fair amount of people there. At the end of their set, the guitarist/singer got out a flute and they covered Kanye West's Gold Digger. It was very impressive.
Next on our list was Family Force 5, and we wanted to be up front so we went over to the stage they were playing at. But when we got there, we saw that New Years Day were just starting their set! We both like them, but they weren't high priority so they didn't make our must-see list. I'm glad we ended up watching though, because they were awesome. The lead singer, I forget her name, has an amazing voice. There was this guy in the crowd next to me though, who sang along to every one of their songs really loudly, which seemed so weird because New Years Day is a female-fronted band, and their sound is a lot poppier than a lot of the other bands on Warped.
Then Family Force 5! The wait for them was the worst, because we'd been looking forward to their set all day. I was extremely surprised at how many people showed up to watch them, because they aren't exactly 'mainstream' music, but oh man they are so amazing. The lead singer, Soul Glow Activatur, was so awesome. He was wearing purple jeans and a pink shirt, and that's not even the best part. Before Love Addict, he put on these glove things, they're shiny fists and probably as big as my head. AMAZING. There was tons of dancing and craziness on stage, but their set felt so short because of all the awesomeness going on.
Right after Family Force 5, we went to see Set Your Goals. Now, I'm not a huge fan of them, but I love the song and video for Mutiny! and Amy loves them, so we hurried over after FF5. We were a few rows back, but after a couple songs we decided to go over to the other side and sit down in the shade, since we were both dead by then (around 6:30). We were all relaxing and complaining about how our feet hurt, and couldn't really see the stage, but they were still good.
Then we went over to the tiny stage again for My American Heart. Now, in my head, MAH are a really tiny band. But there were tons of people there. We were there early and were still a few rows from the barrier. They played my most favourite song of their's, Boys! Grab Your Guns, but I didn't recognize many of their other songs because I'm not super into them. We had to leave early though, about halfway through their set, to go watch Bayside at one of the medium stages.
I'm also not a huge fan of Bayside, but Amy loves them and I was down with seeing them. They played two of my favourite songs by them, Blame It On Bad Luck and Duality, but other than that I was pretty much just chilling. They won the 10 Minutes Longer contest thing, which was super, but oh man my feet were dying by the time they finished (it was 8:30ish I think). We planned to go see Red Jumpsuit Apparatus down on one of the big stages, but they were almost done and we were so tired, so we left and started walking.
Amy's mom picked us up from the corner (!!) and we went to McDonald's for some much needer nourishment. Then they drove me to the ferry and headed back to their hotel. They're continuing their vacation for another week, so I had to go on the ferry all alone. It wasn't that bad, just really really boring. The ferry was pretty empty, but there were a couple groups of people who obviously were coming back from Warped.
Overall, the whole day was amazing, and I'm so glad everything worked out and we got to go. I'm still kind of pissed that I wore my hoodie, because the weather network said it was going to rain but it was actually really sunny all day. Other than that, it was totally perfect and so much fun. I'll do a picture post tomorrow, I think I took over 500 at Warped, haha.
Top 5 Performances~
1. The Matches
2. Family Force 5
3. We Are The Fury
4. The Automatic
5. All Time Low
The day before Warped, me and Amy and her mother went to Capilano Suspension Bridge, which was cool but not nearly as awesome at Warped so I decided not to mention it earlier. We also went to Metrotown and looked at all the pretty clothes we couldn't buy, because we were saving our moneys for Warped. Oh man though, I still want that purple hoodie.
I ended up spending all my money, $170, on 4 shirts at Warped (Family Force 5, We Are The Fury, All Time Low and The Matches), a Fall Out Boy shirt on sale at Bluenotes in Metrotown ($7.89!), food, transit and idk what else, haha.
No more counting down sleeps! All my excitement for this summer is over, but I'm okay with that for now because I'm sooooo tired.