I would like to introduce you to the new flower girl at Whole Foods Market... well one of them.

Oct 15, 2005 21:25

I got a full time job and I've been working a million hours and some days even start at the ass crack of 5:30AM... bad bad bad.... I'm tired all the time but I will have benefits nice! Yes I am the new flower girl! I get free shit... my house is where flowers go to die... and now I've added plants. Oh dear god!

But being the nice person that I am, I gave JASH more then enough notice. I gave them a month to figure out what to do. And so here I sit.. having worked from 7 am - 3:30 and then right to JASH from 4 - 12:30.

Here's a couple of stories that I am working on for this the second to last weekend at JASH:

The women are no longer able to use the office phones because one of the women racked up a $3,000.00 phone bill calling Haiti... I will say this again. A Three THOUSAND dollar phone bill calling Haiti. The mystery here lies in HOW she made the calls. The phones in the office where I sit wont even let you call Fitchburg never mind Haiti. She must have found a way to tap into them some how and beat the system. Three thousand dollars... Holy shit! Now no one can use the phone except between the hours of 9-5 Monday - Friday and only for business. They can't even receive phone calls on the office phones [which is fine with me because I hated chasing after them like their own personal secretary (without the spankings)]. No three second call to tell them to call you right back on the payphone because of a three thousand dollar phone bill. Nice job Lady! Way to ruin it for everyone! Did you think you weren't going to get caught? Obviously this one isn't the brightest bulb on the tree... the sharpest tack in the pack... the sharpest knife in the drawer.

And here's one more

I'm sitting in my chair starting to type this entry actually, when I am called into the dining room to find the Poland Springs water cooler overflowing and pouring water all over the floor. Everyone is walking over it and pulling a "I didn't do it, I don't see it, I'm not cleaning it up" attitude about it. So I figure out what is wrong with it... (yeah I'm wicked mechanical, kid)... Did you know that you are not supposed to let the little tub in the base of the water cooler fill up? I did... Know why you're not supposed to let it fill up? Because there are holes in the ring that the gigantic jug sits on. You don't have to be a genius or a science nerd to know what happens to water when you put a solid mass into it... right? YES, it rises.... rises right up to the holes... and the bottle is upside down... it just kept on feeding water into the little tub which in turn spilled right out onto the dining room floor. I was given a quick response when I asked who changed the water... yeah these girls like pointing fingers. So I asked her if she changed the bottle and she said yes. I asked her to come with me and I showed her the mess... I explained to her that she has to not let the tub fill up and so on just the way that I explained it to you... unfortunately... she doesn't speak English. NOPE... She says ok and goes back into the living room and I grab a mop and start to soak up the flood when I suddenly am reminded of my very first Achievement Day (JASH's annual graduation/awards ceremony)the first summer that I was working here, when one of the women put dish soap in the dishwasher NOT DISHWASHER LIQUID... and the thing exploded... well more oozed then exploded but there was suds ALL the fuck over the place and I was the one on my hands and knees scooping suds out of the fucking dishwasher not even an offer of help from the girl who put the soap in there... not even an offer to get her to help me from any staff member... I was PISSED... that was the first and last Achievement Day that I was available to work... ANYWAY... I was reminded of this and I got pissed off so I plopped the mop down (because that's what a wet mop does) and I walked into the living room and said to her that she needed to help me clean it up. I was totally willing to help her clean it up... I wasn't expecting her to do it herself. BUT I got a small order of eye roll with a side of attitude and I went into "fuck you!!!!" mode and walked into my office and sat in my chair. Fuck you! YOU need to clean it up... it's your fucking mess! I didn't say that but I didn't fucking clean it up either.

Oh... by the way... not engaged to the Russian... in fact.. he's not in the picture anymore.
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