May 20, 2006 17:29
So living in Allston sucks of course. Or maybe I just had the worst week possible? This whole 9-5 thing doesn't fly with me. It sucks. I realized I spend more waking hours at work or commuting to work than I do at home. I made it to the gym the other day and swam for 45 minutes and fell asleep at 930 that night. I feel like such an old lady, but working like a real person really tires you out. Or maybe it's the two parking tickets I have that make me hate life right now. Oh yea there's lots of parking around here... lots of illegal parking. At least I'm getting a parking spot in the next few days so I can actually use my car without fearing an orange gift from the city of boston under my wiper. It's not me being a dumbass about where I park either because one spot was not marked at all and the other I had been in for 3 days until I finally got a ticket. Whatever.
The commute to work takes forever too. It took me an hour to get home the other day. AN HOUR. Well a T broke down inbound so for some reason nothing was allowed to go outbound? I'm not sure how that works really but I didn't question it. I was too busy trying to ignore the lady who was chewing on her fingers and making bad make out sounds while doing it once we finally boarded.
At least I don't have to wait twenty years to catch a T in the morning, that's a plus.
I hurt my foot somehow so I can't run and I'm going crazy because it's nice out today. It even hurt when I swam the other day. Who knows. I'd take time to go to student health and have it looked at, but we all know they'll just tell me I'm pregnant and women's feet swell when they are pregnant. Too bad it's not swollen though. Oh and that there is no way I could be pregnant. Well maybe I'm caring a baby jesus. I'd prefer him to be named Hey-seuss though if I had to name it jesus.
The one good thing I have to say is that I got a bag of grapes for 75 cents today. That made me happy. The fact that we have the internet back pleases me too. Stupid verizon disconnecting us for a week.