May 01, 2006 14:17
So I just found out museums in Boston are free if you have a bank of america card this month. Take that Ontario National Bank and the bitchy lady who works at the Rt 96 branch who told me I was too young to have a debit card when I was 17. Too bad I got one anyway. And then closed my account with them a year later when I lost my card in the mess that was Christy and I's room. Is that even proper grammar? I couldn't figure out how to say it.
I want to go to the science museum. Well really I want to go to the Aquarium, but that isn't free. I only decided I wanted to go there after I walked by there like a week ago and realized you can see the seals outside at night and was really amused. But I want to go to the science museum and play with stuff like I am 5 because you know, I basically act like it sometimes anyway.
So the GSU sucks and kicked us out of the backcourt... you know... the only place with outlets open... but luckily I found another one.
Anyway what is kind of creepy is when you go to a party in January and this freshman boy keeps talking to you because he's drunk. Then you never see him again until... you go to a party this weekend and he sees you when you enter and comes over to you to say "I remember you..." and proceeds to tell you your first AND last name, where you live at BU, where you live in the real world, and what year you are. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure I didn't tell him my last name. Sketchtastic.
I can tell when it's test time for me because I update this thing like crazy. This is why I bring my comptuer to the GSU, to listen to music and find a million ways to distract myself. If I didn't have it with me however I would get nothing done because I'd end up leaving and going home which is the most distracting place I can be.