
Feb 28, 2006 22:07

Well apparently it's that time of year. Lent. So being the good little umm nothing? (my mom didn't go to church after her god-fearing grandmother almost broke apart her family and has never been since then/ never had me go and now I won't go after my grandparents died because it bothers me) I had no idea what Lent was until maybe junior year of high school when Meghan Sweeney was talking about how she was giving up chocolate. I thought who in the world would give up chocolate if they weren't on a diet. That in itself is pretty funny since I don't actually like chocolate anyway. BUT... that's when I learned that people who enjoy going to/ parents made them go/brought them to church sometimes give up things they really like for 40 days. Today Christy had to explain why people do this. Shows how up on things I am.

Anyway, Christy is giving up coffee and Graciela is giving up TV. Those are really important things in both of their lives so I think Lent is probably pretty important to them. I think I offend people by my lack of Lenting and indulging in the things I love all year long. No sacrificing my iced grande non-fat caramel Machiatto here.

Last year Christy was complaining about whatever she had to give up and I thought I should join the craze mid-Lent and told her I was going to give up buying new shoes. It's not like I had anything better to do last spring anyway, obviously. We went shopping two days later and a shoebox came home with me. It really just kind of climbed in my bag. I told it to stay in the store and that I would be damned if it came home with me, but it didn't listen. Good thing I wasn't actually doing Lent for real or else that would have been pretty bad. I think me giving up buying new shoes would be equal to them giving up their coffee and TV, so at least it was an appropriate try. So today they were talking about Lent and I told them I would give up boys for 40 days which I think offended them. That's not really a sacrifice when you are me and whatever and it's not like I would actually do it, I was just being a smartass.

Basically the point is, I'm going to Hell, where I can enjoy my meat on Fridays, not too well done though please.

I am way too offensive and sarcastic right now.
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