Feb 04, 2005 01:29
so I stumble into a cab after the bar and the cabbie stops at a light for 2 motherfuckin dollars!
Now I'm all non confrontational and shit but...
ME: "when we got here my fare was $6.00, you haven't moved, and this shits at 8 motherfuckin 25!!"
Cabbie: listen ma'am I don't do magic It's not my fault..
ME: "I ain't talkin' bout magic, I'm talkin' bout you ripping me off"
I then slam the door and leave the cab, this mother fucker comes chasing me down the street yelling "but I don't do magic" I get back into the cab, and I tell that motherfucker that I take that route all the motherfuckin time and that I ain't giving him a cent over $12. He agrees, and I get back in the cab.
The cab would have cost me $17 if I hadn't told the bitch off.. Motherfucker talkin' bout $2 at the LIGHT!! I don't motherfuckin think so.. I am drunk so I got ignorant on his ass!! SHEESH
p.s I skipped studying Crime and Disrepute so that I could drink. Is that ironic or what? honestly though I need to hit the books and I need to quit hitting the gin......