Name: Kerry
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Location: Lynn!!
Preferance: Dudes
Status: PIMP
Occupation (if you have one): Nothing
Favorite type of music and/or favorite artists: Um i like everything i
guess.. Tupac & evenesance are probably my favorite though.. odd
Favorite movie: Crazy/Beautiful
Make me laugh: Um.. last night i went to the greek festival in Lynn and
tried to dance & i tripped over myself & fell.. and i'm not
even greek! idk maybe you had to be there
Your most embarrasing moment: when me and some of my friends were
having a burping contest i had noodles for supper.. i let out a huge
burp and a noodle flew across the room.. idk if it was more embarrasing
or nasty
What you love most about Boston: shopping at fanuel hall, chillen at
harvard square, taking the t, & i still love the aquarium
that is the only pic. i have that doesnt take up half the screen!