What If You Could Change the Script?

Nov 30, 2004 17:18

Google News says that the news of Secretary Ridge's departure is only four hours old, but I see it's already airing on C-SPAN 1 tonight in a few minutes:

06:26 pm News Conference: Secretary of Homeland Security Resignation
Department of Homeland Security
Thomas Ridge , Department of Homeland Security

Now I'm imagining a story whose protagonist hacks into the C-SPAN site and discovers that, by altering the scheduled events listed there, he has the power to change the real world.

07:00 pm News Conference: Osama Bin Ladin Capture
Donald Rumsfeld, Department of Defense

08:30 News Conference: Mars Base One Dedication
Mars Base One
Lance Bass, NASA

Alas, it would probably devolve into a heap of cliches. The Twilight Zone is dead. And they've already made The Lathe of Heaven into a TV movie. Twice!

(Favorite joke from The Daily Show, speculating months ago about Ridge's eventual resignation: "Sources close to the Secretary say he wants to spend more time at home, scaring his family.")

c-span, sf, homeland security

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