Nov 05, 2005 15:31
Karaoke last night.
Dan kind of made it. Kid is crazy. I was going to write a lot of the funnier things that happened, some of the more inappropriate things said, not as much in the mood now.
But John, Melinda and I left around 12:15. I dropped Dan and Joe off at another bar. I don't know how they got home, but I know they both passed out in the front yard and woke up when the sun came up.
One of the news anchors for Telemundo was with us for a while at the karaoke place (where were there with a party of people John knew.) He said we needed our own late night TV show of a camera following us around. Truth is only Dan really needs that. We might add to the crazy, but he's really the conductor, the rest of us are there for the ride. And, well, I'm me, so I'm kind of also there to make sure the three of them don't get arrested.
I also know that it's November 2005. I know time was lost.
I know things can change.