Feb 21, 2005 21:54
Senior Skip day is April 22nd!!! It's a B-Day!!
Yay for PHS winning the basketball game tonight!!! Wednesday at North Meck?? Oh well!!
My thoughts for the day:
Calculus sucks!! Volume and Arc Lengths suck!!
When you are sick you lose your appetite. Thanks Camille.
Off-roading/mudding/4-wheeling is fun!! CB radios are cool.
Little Black Book is a bad movie.
Who is Neesha? Did she go to our school?
I hope Camille is feeling better. Camilla Mangana needs to post on her lj.
Parties are fun. Fights at parties are stupid.
People who slash other peoples tires and run into cars at parties are stupid.
I have a calculus test tomorrow. . .tests suck.
Someone remind me to buy strawberries.
I have 4 pics left on my senior slide show camera!! Yay for taking 23 pics on Friday!!
Yay for 3 tests this week!!
I need to renew my license.
Yay for spring break soon!!
Calculus should die.
Sour Starburst rock!!
I need help figuring out a song!! I don't know any words but i think 'what' is in it a lot.
If I were to skip calculus tomorrow, i think Ms. Sams might get suspicious because i skipped the last test too. Maybe I should go study.
I decided that if I get tired tonight I will take a shower. I'll probably take a lot of showers tonight.
That's All. Oh my watch is too big. And I HATE CALCULUS!!
<3 Leah