Bit of a panic out and about, it seems! Don't suppose anyone has a use for a twenty-third century Chief Engineer, then? Otherwise I'll be happy to keep my head down and continue tinkering with some of these ah... Macintosh thingamajigs. Twenty-first technology has so many superfluous bits tacked on for no discernible reason that I can see. It's a
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[have a tired sigh.] Never a damn dull moment alright.
You need a hand with anything else, old chap?
[a pause and some rifling] Lord knows my regenerator could use a once over, and my phaser for that matter. Besides Jim or Spock you're probably the only one who can even make a damn bit of sense out of them.
Spoke with the other Doctor -- the fifth one, are y'familiar with the bloke? -- and told him I'd be at the infirmary. So I'll be down in a jiff.
Don't suppose you have any extra infirmary equipment lying about that'd be available for a bit of a... modification? We'll need as many parts as we can scrounge if everything about this Davros fellow comes true.
Hell, they number themselves now? Don't think I've met Doctor five, though one of them will be coming down here soon enough as well. Have any of them given you a straight answer about this 'Darvos' yet?
The Doctor I've been speaking with -- blond bloke, wears a vegetable. The lad's got game plan to generate an Artron energy field. I'll be using whatever's available in the infirmary and what I've been able to snag from the Enterprise. Any broken or discarded technology you or any of the crew have would be a delight to work with.
Davros is some rogue madman genius that created a species out of last year's moldy birthday haggis called "Daleks". That is, to say, that they're made of pure hatred and destroy whatever they come in contact with. I haven't been told a straight answer on the race of Davros himself because I suspect the Doctors don't have an inkling. Voice sounds organic with heavy technical modifications, though.
I'll keep you updated.
... [A pause.]
...and what in the bloody hell happened to the Captain, again? With the brainwashing bit? If it's a long story, I'll settle for an explanation when we're free to ( ... )
He must be something alright, he has them all more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room of rockin' chairs. One of the vets here told me he was here before, apparently killed a lot of the folk around here before he was stopped. If I hear anything else I'll let the lot of you know.
[have another sigh] It's damned complicated alright, all I can tell you at the moment is he's completely devoted to one of the Warden's here. She told him to follow my orders but I'm still a damn sight concerned with how this could all play out.
Well then, see you soon, Bones!
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