This is mostly copied from my post to the NortheastAsatru Yahoo! Group. Apologies to those who may have already read it there.
I had a great time! From arrival and setting-up camp on Thursday to tear-down and reluctant departure on Sunday, it was grand both in scale and inspiration.
The Landvaettir Blót on Thursday was especially meaningful and appreciated as I always try to be mindful and respectful of the landwights in my personal practice of Heathenry. The blót was well planned and well executed. Afterwards I thought, "It's going to be a great weekend if the rest of the event lives up to the standard set by this blót!" ...and it did!
The workshops I attended were informative and well presented. Thank you, to the presenters! The vendors' area in the pavilion was impressive; what a talented bunch of folk! Great work all around! The cook-staff provided tasty and filling nourishment. The Skaldic Competition was awesome. Again, the level of talent in this community blows me away! The Childrens' Raffle and Auction were great fun. I haven't laughed so much in quite some time! And, I love the new treasure I managed to win at auction (Dan Oropallo, your work rocks!). The Ancestor Blót on Saturday night was, again, well planned and well executed. Standing with so many others, silently comtemplating and hailing our ancestors was very powerful, and deeply moving.
With so many wonderful experiences (and I'm sure I'm leaving some things out), the best of all for me, was the opportunity to meet and enjoy time spent with fellow Heathen-Folk. It was so nice to be able to put faces and personality to usernames and e-mail addresses. It was especially nice to meet
colmunson and their families. My schedule makes the opportunities for getting together with other folk rare things, indeed. This was only the second event I've been able to attend, and the first large scale event.
Thank you all for making me feel welcomed. Thanks especially to Raven Kindred North for putting together and hosting an awesome Thing!
Hail the Wights!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail the Gods!
and Hail the Folk!