Apr 14, 2022 15:40
before i woke up this morning, i was dreaming that i was at my parents house, and there were pet snakes everywhere. then one snake ate another, and we realized some were rattlesnakes. one of the pet snakes was hiding in my sock, and i can feel it's warm round cylinder body at the bottom of my foot. the rattle snakes started attacking everything. one bit my nieces brown pet rabbit, and then another brown (wild?) rabbit.
when i woke up i thought about the dream for a moment, and shrugged it off. then i got on my phone and one of the first images i saw on social media was that don't tread on me flag, with the rattlesnake. and then other images/ stories of snakes. then later in the day i get a call from my mom and she tells me my brother is over with his family, and i can hear my brother calling for his daughter, the one whose pet rabbit was struck by the snake.