Jan 20, 2022 15:01
it's interesting how my dog is friendly with other dogs, but not so friendly with strangers. he's not aggressive toward people. in public, he won't bark at them or pay much attention to them really. he is just very weary when people approach us in the street or try to talk or pet him in a store. he'll either give them a warning bark or butt them with his snout, as if to tell them to back up. i have never seen him try to bite anyone or anything. whenever we have guests over, he'll go up to them and say hi without a bark or any aggression. it's as if he trusts the people we trust to come into our home. and since my partner and i are weary of strangers on the street, i think he is, too. he's such a good dog. he thinks he's a lap dog and will try to cuddle on your lap. and every morning he jumps into our bed for snuggles. and he is very obedient in spanish and english. my little pit bull.