doctor who/torchwood; everyman

Jul 11, 2007 14:50

Everyman, by basingstoke.
Hard R. Jack/the known universe.
It starts on a beach and ends in a city.
Spoilers: Last of the Time Lords

Jack fell in love for the first time when he looked up from a martini and saw an alien dancing with a human girl in a spaceship like no other he'd ever seen, and he realized they had come to rescue him, and he realized he was forgiven, and he realized he would do anything for them. He thought that meant killing for the Doctor, but it didn't, because the Doctor couldn't stand death. Not the death of a butterfly; not the death of his enemy. He'd been all for killing Daleks, when Jack first knew him, but Jack wondered if he would push the metaphorical button now.

Takes that new bit of Jack canon and makes it right. Dare you not to tear up by the end.

jack, torchwood, doctor who

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